Tuesday 29 April 2014

Nor Or - New Day - THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 92 TARI% JIU 17 VOLUME 92, NO. 17

Hundreds Sign AGBU US Ambassador: President Obama Will Make Francois Hollande To
Europe Petition In Recognition Of The Armenian Genocide
Very Strong Statement On April 24
Honor Armenian Genocide Victims
Partnership with DurDe, Eu- ropean Grass- roots Antiracist Movement and Turkish Human Rights Association Draws International Support in Advance of Com- memorative Events
YEREVAN. – U.S. Ambassa- dor to Armenia John Heffern said Barack Obama will make a very strong statement on the Ar- menian Genocide anniversary on April 24.
of State John Kerry are well aware of the 1915 events. The diplomat said the president's statement will be very strong and will rec- ognize the fact of annihila- tion of 1.5 million Armenians. However, Am- bassador noted that he
On Monday Ambassador Heffern participated in the opening of temporary exposi- tion entitled “FIRST WORLD WAR: allies, images, massacres” at the Armenian Geno- cide Museum-Institute.
cannot say exactly what words will presi- dent use.
A petition initiated by AGBU Europe, DurDe, the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM), and Đnsan Hakları Derneği (iHD), calling for recognition of the Armenian Genocide, is drawing hun- dreds of signatures as this month’s com- memorative events approach.
He said President Obama and Secretary
The United States have not recognized the Armenian Genocide yet.
Europe’s Anti-Racist Activists To Attend Armenian Genocide Commemorations In Turkey
French presi- dent's administra- tion confirmed his intention to at- tend the Armen- ian Genocide commemoration ceremony in Paris. The event will be held near Komitas monu- ment in Paris at 7p.m. on April 24.
The public appeal points to almost a century of denial of the genocide by the Turkish government, which has allowed for the continued marginalization and dis- crimination of Armenian and other minor- ity groups across the country. At the same time, the petition encourages civil society organizations—in Turkey, Europe and around the world—to join together and demonstrate that such state policies do not reflect shifting public opinions.
At the invitation of Turkish activists, the Euro- pean Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM) and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Europe will visit Turkey, to honor, in Istan- bul from Monday to Fri- day, the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
European delegation— comprising the leaders of about twenty anti-racist organizations and Arme- nians from fifteen coun- tries—will partake in the Armenian Genocide re- membrance events in Turkey, Nouvelles d’Ar- ménie reported.
The Co-ordination Council of Armen- ian organizations of France (CCAF) thanked the authorities for honoring 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide, Nouvelles d'Arménie reported.
In addition, represen- tatives from the two Euro- pean organizations plus Turkey’s Irkçılığa ve Milliyetçiliğe DurDe (Say no to Racism and Nationalism) initiative on Friday will pay a visit to Armenian capital city Yerevan, and participate in the Genocide commem- orations. This is the second time that the
Numerous well- known personalities as well as many representa-
It reads: “Our shared initiative is one for recognition, solidarity, justice, and democracy. It is an initiative for solidarity between all those who fight for the accept- ance of history. The divide is not between the Turkish and Armenian people but be- tween those who struggle for the recogni- tion of the Armenian Genocide and those International Conference On World War I Kicks Off In Yerevan who promote denial. Quite simply, it is not a question of origins but of perspectives for the future.”
YEREVAN. – An international confer- ence, which is devoted to the Caucasian front during the First World War, got un- derway Monday at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in capital city Yerevan.
The two-day conference aims to look into the World War II military operations in
lation in the former Ottoman and Russian Empires. The international conference has preceded the opening of the exhibition on the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War.
presence of many, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Ground To Be Consecrated April 27 For Armenian-Turkish
To date, numerous public figures have signed the document, representing Bul- garia, the Czech Republic, France, Ger-
Poland, Rwanda, Serbia, and the UK. The growing list of names includes: Charles Aznavour, the French-Armenian artist; Tahar Ben Jelloun, the award-win- ning novelist; Dario Fo, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature; Caroline Fourest, the acclaimed feminist and journalist; and French intellectuals André Glucksmann and Bernard-Henri Lévy. Members of the European Parliament, Helsinki Committees and student groups have also showed their
gether in Istanbul and other Turkish cities on April 24, 2014, for commemorative events organized by DurDe, EGAM and iHD in partnership with AGBU Europe. It will mark the second year AGBU has joined forces with local human rights groups for this cause, forming an unprecedented in- ternational delegation. Thousands attended the activities in 2013, and the groups look forward to an even higher turnout this year.
Cont. on p.15
Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial
Protocols Not To
The ground at the site for the Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial will be blessed Sunday, April 27, during a 6 p.m. public ceremony at Memorial Park.
munity to attend this important event,” said former California Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, who serves on the Pasadena Ar- menian Genocide Committee. “This Me- morial will offer a place for reflection, hope and inspiration.”
Armenia’s Detriment –
tives from European, Turkish and Armen- ian civil societies support this initiative, and they have signed under the respective mes- sage.
This message will be publicized soon in the European press.
Francois Hollande's presence confirms his respect for obligations, his commitment to fundamental values of democracy and respect for genocide victims, CCAF said in a statement.
the Caucasian front, the refugees, and the episodes of genocide— during war—against the Armenian popu-
Eduard Sharmazanov
support. Many of the signatories will join to-
Retired U.S. District Court Judge Dick- ran M. Tevrizian will serve as Master of Ceremonies and the consecration will be performed by Hov- nan Derderian, Arch- bishop of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Apos- tolic Church, and Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard and Cal- ifornia Assembly- man Chris Holden will be among the elected officials at the event.
The Armenian-Turkish protocols, which are still on the agenda of Armenia’s Parliament, have not caused any damage either to the process of international recog- nition of the Armenian Genocide or to Ar- menia’s foreign policy, Spokesman for the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), Vice-Speaker of Armenia’s Parliament Ed- uard Sharmazanov told Tert.am.
The Memorial, approved by the Pasadena City Coun- cil in September
According to him, it is by means of the Armenian-Turkish protocols that Armenia proved to the world its being a more reli- able and predictable state.
AGBU Europe Director Nicolas Tavit- ian remarked, “We are pleased to collabo- rate once again with the human rights
Choirs from the Sahag Mesrob Armen- ian Christian School in Altadena and the Armenian General Benevolent Union High School in Pasadena will sing.
2013, will be completed and dedicated at the north side of Memorial Park in April 2015 to mark the 100th anniversary of the killing of 1.5 million Armenians over a three-year period beginning in 1915. It will commemorate the Armenian Genocide and condemn all crimes against humanity.
“In contrast to Turkey, which proved to be a state violating agreements in the 21st century in the eyes of our international partners – because it claimed it was willing to establish relations without any precon- ditions, doing so before the United States,
“I encourage the greater Pasadena com-
Cont. on p.20
14 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 24, 2014
An Open Letter To The Turkish People
Today, I write to you on a topic of great importance to both of our nations. It is on a subject that many of you, es- pecially the younger generation, may know little about be- cause it concerns a chapter of world history that your government has expended enormous efforts to conceal. Turkey has been at the center of human civilization from Neolithic times to the present, and your arts, culture and science have enriched the world. But interwoven with all of Turkey’s remarkable achievements is a dark chapter that too many of today’s Turks know little or nothing about. Were you aware that your grandparents and great-grand- parents had many Armenian neighbors and friends – that twenty percent of the population of today’s Istanbul was Armenian? Did you know that the Armenians were well integrated into Turkish society as celebrated intellects, artists, craftsmen and community leaders? Have you ever wondered, what happened to the Armenians? Have you ever asked your parents and grandparents how such a large, industrious and prosperous people largely vanished from your midst? Do you know why your government goes to such lengths to conceal this part of your history?
Armenian Genocide Recognition:
A Proper Apology...
Below is a public statement from the Chairperson of Izmir Council of Piece Zeynep Tozduman
Timid Reaction In Turkey As
World Leaders Speak On 1915
Events By Naira Hayrumyan
I apologize for every single day that we have remained silent since the days of geno- cide.
I apologize for our grandfa- thers who cooperated with the murderers carrying out the bru- tal massacre of 1.5 million peo- ple in Anatolia.
I apologize from your young girls for permanently burying their hopes into their dowry chests.
Let me tell you a part of their story. The rest you must find out for yourselves.
I apologize from all your people left dead without a proper burial, shroud or cemeteries.
I apologize for causing you to add the word 'converted
Ninety-nine years ago this month, in the dying years of the Ottoman Empire, the Young Turk government launched a campaign of deportation, expropriation, star- vation and murder against the empire’s Armenian citizens. Much of the Armenian population was forcibly removed to Syria, where many succumbed during brutal forced marches through the desert heat. Hundreds of thousands were massacred by Ottoman gendarmes, soldiers and even ordinary citizens.
Over the past few days three top world politicians have made statements concerning the Armenian genocide, in re- sponse to which Turkey, contrary to tradition, did not protest vehemently or threaten to use sanctions.
- Donme' to your vocabulary. I apologize from all your girls and women abused and
By the time the slaughter ended in 1923, one and a half million Armenians had been killed in what is now univer- sally acknowledged as the first genocide of the Twentieth Century. The survivors scattered throughout the Middle East and the wider world with some making their way to the United States, and to Los Angeles.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad compared what is happening in Syria today with the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians in the Ottoman Empire. The California Courier publisher Harut Sassounian wrote that “this is the first time that any Syrian head of state has acknowledged the Armenian mass murders and identified the perpetra- tor as Ottoman Turkey.”
raped, forcefully converted to Kurd, Turk, Alevi or Islam. I apologize for forcing you to become the Diaspora and scatter like pomegranate seeds to all corners of the world. I apologize for forcing you to long for your homeland
with broken hearts from the faraway deportation points. I apologize for preventing you from giving your chil-
It is their grandchildren and great grandchildren whom I represent as a Member of the United States Congress. Theirs is a vibrant community, many tens of thousands strong, with schools, churches and businesses providing a daily link to their ancestral homeland. And it is on their be- half that I urge you to begin anew a national conversation in Turkey about the events of 1915-23.
Syria was a reliable ally of Turkey, but after Ankara as- sumed the role of an ‘international prosecutor’ of Syria the Assad administration has not felt restrained in statements against Turkey. In this regard, experts do not exclude that in case of continued confrontational actions on the part of Turkey, Syria may recognize the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians.
dren proper names and education in your mother tongue, a basic human right. I apologize for confiscating your houses, properties,
lands, farms, orchards, and shops to create our national economy, based on a disease of racism in this country.
As a young man or woman in Turkey, you might ask: What has this to do with me? Am I to blame for a crime committed long before I was born. And I would say this: Yours is the moral responsibility to acknowledge the truth and seek a reconciliation with the Armenian people that your parents and their parents could or would not. It is an obligation you have inherited and one from which you must not shrink. For though we cannot choose our own his- tory, we decide what to do about it — and you will be the ones to shape Turkey’s future.
The second unprecedented statement was made by French President Francois Hollande in Ankara. During a joint press conference with Turkish President Abdullah Gul earlier this week Hollande essentially reiterated that France has long recognized the genocide and urged Turkey to “un- cover history” rather than deny it. The senior Turkish offi- cials sitting in the front rows during the press conference could only exchange puzzled glances.
I apologize for confiscating your places of worship (monastery, church, synagogue, Jem house, etc.) and con- verting them to mosques, museums, community centres or stables.
I apologize for forcing racism on you by making you repeat every morning 'So happy
At the end of World War II, Germany was a shattered nation – defeated in battle and exposed as history’s great- est war criminal. But, in the decades since the end of the war, Germany engaged in a prolonged effort to reconcile with the Jewish people, who were nearly exterminated by the Nazis during the Holocaust. The German government has prosecuted war criminals, returned expropriated prop- erty, allied itself with Israel, and made countless apologies to the victims and to the world. Most important, Germany has worked to expunge the cancer of dehumanizing big- otry and hatred that gave rise to the Holocaust.
A letter of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Ab- dullah Ocalan, who is serving a life sentence in a Turkish prison, was published recently. Ocalan for the first time de- scribed the events of 1915 as genocide and said that now the Kurds are fighting not only for themselves but also for the Armenians and other peoples who were subjected to genocide. He said that he always had brotherly feelings to- wards Armenians.
I apologize for presenting your properties as gifts to your own murderers.
I apologize for realizing too late that the sorrow ex- pressed in the song 'Sari Gelin' was in reality the sorrow of the genocide.
before the arrival of the Turks, and for trying to create a single nation state.
This path, of reflection, reconciliation and repentance must be Turkey’s path as well. It will not be easy, the ques- tions will be painful, the answers difficult, sometimes un- knowable. One question stands out:
I apologize for creating a hell of murders in this coun- try, instead of a heaven of humanity.
How could a nation that peaceably ruled over a diverse, multicultural empire for centuries have turned on one of its peoples with such ruthlessness that an entirely new word had to be invented to describe what took place? Genocide.
I apologize for burying all the people named Agop, Kiriakos, Samuel, Ani, Maria or Sarkis in my city Smyrna as well as the rest of the country, burying our humanity in the process.
There are few even Turkey today who deny that recog- nition of the genocide is inevitable. The question is in what form it will happen. If Turkey receives guarantees that Ar- menia will not make any material, territorial and other claims, it may itself admit the genocide in 2015, limiting it- self to apologies and private compensation. But there is also an option for Armenia to turn to international courts or the United Nations with the support of the countries that have recognized or will recognize the genocide, for example, the United States, if President Barack Obama continues the pol- icy of containment of Turkey’s expansion and recognizes the Armenian genocide in 2015.
I apologize for not realizing that fascism would even- tually arrive and start killing us as
As in Judaism and Christianity, the concept of repen- tance or tawba is central to Islam. Next year will mark a century since the beginning of the genocide and Armenians around the world will mourn their dead, contemplate the enormity of their loss, and ask, why? Answer them, please, with words of repentance.
well in these lands.
I apologize for not being able to put a stop to the denial and assimilation policies for one
I apologize especially for our inhumane behaviour dur- ing the genocides of the Armenians, Assyrians, Pontic Greeks, Yezidis and Alevis.
Zeynep Tozduman
And I apologize once again on this April 24 genocide commemoration day, for our inability to protect you and
Adam Schiff
preserve our humanity.
The recognition of the Armenian genocide by politi- cians of a wide range shows that the international commu- nity not only itself is preparing for the 100th anniversary of the genocide in 2015, but is also preparing the Turks for that. Turkey apparently is also ready, judging by the fact that these high-profile statements did not elicit official re- actions. Just a few years ago, Turkey imposed economic sanctions against France after Paris tried to pass a law crim- inalizing the denial of the Armenian genocide. Those sanc- tions have not been canceled to date, but Hollande definitely said in Ankara that he will not change his posi- tion.
I apologize for wiping out the various original peoples of Anatolia, living on these lands long
I apologize for denying even the very existence of the original peoples of these lands after subjecting them to eco- nomic, cultural and political genocide.
I apologize from the survivors of the genocide for even forbidding them from dreaming in their own language.
to be a Turk'.
I apologize for transforming the Anatolian garden of different peoples to a cemetery of different peoples.
I apologize for committing crimes against humanity for one thousand and four hundred years in these lands.
hundred years.
Member of Congress
Izmir, Turkey, April 24, 2013
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 24, 2014 15
Armenia and Year 2015:
Turkish Intellectuals Who Recognized The Armenian Genocide
From Genocide Recognition Demand To
14 - Murat Bardakçı By Hambersom Aghbashian
Demand For Eliminating Its Consequences By Naira Hayrumyan
Murat Gökhan Bar- dakçı (born 1955) is a Turkish jour- nalist work- ing on Otto- man history and Turkish music history. Heisalsoa columnist in Habertürk
Report on the Armenian Geno- cide poses a seri- ous challenge to deniers of the Armenian Geno- cide. The docu- ment was found in Talaat's pri- vate papers, and the authenticity of its content can be established
Armenia appears to be taking the Geno- cide recognition process to another level by starting to de- mand the elimination of its consequences.
Last year, during a pan-Armenian forum of lawyers organized by the Ministry of the Diaspora Armenian Prosecutor-General Aghvan Hovsepyan made a sensational statement. He said that compensation must be given to the heirs of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian Church should recover the miraculously preserved churches and holdings, and Armenia should recover its territories.
Papyan also noted that now it is a very good time for Armenia to do so as its inter- ests coincide with the interests of the coun- tries that seek the weakening of Turkey and even its fragmentation. “Nobody had ex- pected the collapse of the Soviet Union, but that empire collapsed and new states emerged instead. Today we should speak not about the splitting of Turkey, but rather should be ready for changes that the Mid- dle East is facing today,” said the analyst.
newspaper. Bardakçı was trained in Turk- ish classical music in tanbur and singing at first, with his primary interests directed more towards theory and musical history later. He published several researches on musical history . With the start
with Ottoman records in Turkish archives today. This report puts the number of Ot- toman Armenians in 1914 at over 1,500,000 people. This figure is significantly more than the number of Ottoman Armenians
This was seen as the first territorial claim of Armenia to Turkey made on an of- ficial level. The prosecutor general is the carrier of the highest legal authority in the country, and his statement is equivalent to an official statement. Giro Manoyan, Direc- tor of the International Secretariat of the Ar- menian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) Bureau in Yerevan, com- menting on the development, said that it was still impossible to say that Armenia had made a formal claim to Turkey, but it was clear that from just demanding the recognition of the 1915 Genocide Armenia has taken a step towards demanding the elimination of its consequences.
In Armenia there is a growing talk about the need to get back to the Treaty of Sevres and Wilson’s Arbitration. According to these documents, the territory of Arme- nia would have been several times bigger than now and would have included lands of Western Armenia. Today, the Republic of Armenia on the level of its Constitution does not recognize its border with modern- day Turkey and, apparently, intends to start a process of an international revision of borders.
of a journalistic career in Hür- riyet, he expanded the scope of his writings on Ottoman and general Islamic history, with marked emphasis on the 19th and the early-20th centuries. Two of his books on the end of the Ottoman dynasty, "Son Os- manlılar" (The Last Ottomans) and Şahbaba, a biography of Mehmed VI Vahideddin, be- came best-sellers . Murat Bar- dakçı is the editor of Talat Pasha's Black Book *.The 1915-1916 resettlements cited in Talaat Pasha's Black Book of 702,905 Turks from regions under threat of occupation by Russian forces and of 924,158 Armenians in accordance with 27 May 1915 Tehcir Law are qualified as exposing the genocide. (1)
claimed by official Turkish historians. The report also finds over one million of these Armenians missing by 1917. "(4)
*Talat Pasha's Black Book (printed as "Talat Paşa'nın Evrak-ı Metrukesi") refers to the handwritten notes printed in a personal notebook form by the Ottoman Minister of Interior on the relocations of both Turkish- Muslim and Armenian Ottoman citizens during World War I. It is disclosed in 2005 by the Turkish journalist Murat Bardakçı. The book was handed over to him by Talat Pasha's widow, Hayriye Talat Bafralı. Along with a batch of other documents comprising letters he had sent her and telegrammes exchanged between Commit- tee of Union and Progress members. In April 2006, Bardakçı re-edited the black book in full, adding parts that were miss- ing in the first publication with the name "Talat Paşa'nın Evrak-ı Metrukesi".
Modus Vivendi Center head, political scientist Ara Papyan also attached impor- tance to the statement by the prosecutor- general: “In fact, the prosecutor-general stated that he considers the restoration of Armenia’s territorial integrity as one of the components of the elimination of conse- quences of the Genocide.”
It has been said for several years that Turkey is in for hard times in view of the approaching centennial of the Armenian Genocide in 2015. Important recognition acts are not excluded – such as in the United States. Pope Francis, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, has made impor- tant statements about the Armenian Geno- cide and promised to visit Armenia on April 24, 2015, when the 100th Anniversary of the Genocide will be marked by Arme- nians around the world. Other important activities are expected in the world that many see as possible preparations for the fragmentation of Turkey.
The proportion of the Armenian popu- lation deported and missing in 1917 ac- cording to Interior Minister Talaat Pasha’s Black Book is shown in black. (2)
In order to get compensation for their lost property heirs of Genocide victims, ac- cording to Papyan, should turn to Turkish courts, and if their suits are rejected there, then further seek justice at the European Court of Human Rights. Meanwhile, Pa- pyan added, a suit should be filed with the UN International Court of Justice regarding the border between Armenia and Turkey.
It is noteworthy that during these days, in connection with the application of the Foundation of the St. Kirakos Church in Di- yarbakir (Western Armenia, now Turkey) regarding the return of 190 pieces of real es- tate earlier belonging to Armenians, the Di- yarbakir Funds Management made a positive decision on 17 units of the prop- erty in question. Diyarbakir authorities found only 17 units of property with a total area of 15,000 square meters belonging to Armenians in the Shehitlik Keshkler quar- ter. However, even the return of this prop- erty involves difficulties as the area has illegal structures and public buildings.
"The New York Times" correspondence Sabrina Tavernise , wrote on March 8, 2009 from Istanbul , "According to a long-hidden document that belonged to the interior minister of the Ottoman Empire, 972,000 Ottoman Armenians disappeared from of- ficial population records from 1915 through 1916. The documents, given to Mr. Bardakci by Talaat’s widow, Hayriye, be- fore she died in 1983, include lists of popu- lation figures. Before 1915, 1,256,000 Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire, according to the documents. The number plunged to 284,157 two years later, Mr. Bar- dakci said." (3)
The prosecutor general, as well as Ar- menian political scientists and the Dash- naktsutyun Party believe that Armenia has a sufficient legal basis for claims against Turkey. So far Armenians have preferred working with the parliaments of other countries and seeking international recog- nition of the Genocide, and more than two dozen countries, including France and Rus- sia, have actually recognized the Armenian Genocide. But now the matter concerns making financial claims.
According to http://www.gomidas. org/campaigns , " A number of Turkish commentators criticized Bardakci's analy- sis of Talaat's statistics, but they were not in a position to take their criticism further. Meanwhile, official Turkish historians at- tacked Bardakci and played down Talaat's statistics on Armenians as unimportant. Moreover it mentioned that " Talaat Pasha's
1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murat _Bardak%C3%A7%C4%B1
3.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/ 09/world/europe/09turkey.html?page- wanted=all&_r=0
Boston University’s Castle Hundreds Sign...
Cont. from p.13
“Kenosian Chair Current Issues Series: The United Nations, Armenia, and the Sov- ereignty of Nagorno Karabagh,” Boston University
figures in Armenian diplomacy to partici- pate in the event, which was co-sponsored by the departments of History and Interna- tional Relations at Boston University, as well as the National Association for Ar- menian Studies and Research (Belmont, MA). The speakers discussed the role of the United Nations in Armenia, Armenia’s for- eign policy, and national sovereignty issues in the Nagorno Karabagh conflict, and re- lated them to the current Crimean crisis.
national sovereignty. With PhDs in Interna- tional Studies and Modern World History, Dr. Baibourtian currently teaches at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
groups who face, and overcome, challenges on the ground in Turkey every day. Their grassroots approach is making a critical dif- ference in the lives of countless people and we are confident that together we will con- tinue to raise awareness, and affect positive social change, with our “Remember 24 April 1915” campaign.”
(Boston, MA)- On Wednesday evening, March 26, 2014, Rouben Shougarian and Armen Baibourtian, former ambassadors of post-Soviet Armenia, spoke at the Kenosian Chair Current Issues Series, “The United Nations, Armenia, and the Sovereignty of Nagorno Karabagh,” at Boston University’s Castle.
During the catered reception following the audience questions, a Boston University graduate student described the event as a “good, informative presentation that touched on crucial issues.”
Professor Simon Payaslian, Charles K. and Elisabeth M. Kenosian Chair in Mod- ern Armenian History and Literature at Boston University, invited these prominent
The first speaker, Ambassador Shougar- ian served as Armenia’s first Ambassador to the United States (1993-1999
For more information about the Kenosian Chair Current Issues Series and the discussion on “The United Nations Armenia, and the Sovereignty of Nagorno Karabagh,” contact Professor Payaslian at payas@bu.edu.
To learn more about the commemora- tive events being planned in Turkey for April 24, 2014, email contact@agbueu- rope.eu
Ambassador Armen Baibourtian spoke next, expanding on the evening’s theme of
To sign the petition, visit www.remember24april1915.eu
2.http://www.reporter.am/go/arti- cle/2009-03-13-talaat-pasha-s-black-book- document
4-http://www.gomidas.org/cam- paigns
16 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 24, 2014
A World Without The Genocidal Turk! By Diana Agabeg Apcar
A grand empire of Islam beginning from the fatherland of their Prophet to their own fatherland Turkestan has been a long thought-out plan of successive Turkish govern- ments. The unfortunate Ar- menians stood in the path of this grand scheme, so the Turkish government began making a bridge of dead Arme- nians across Armenia, and powerful Christian governments with their fleet and their armies looked on with equanimity. If ten thousand Moslems had been slaughtered by any Christian Government the whole Moslems world would have been convulsed, but when Christians were slaugh- tered by the hundred thousand by the Turkish government, powerful Christian governments decreed that horror should be forgotten.
United States Presidential Recognition Of The Armenian Genocide By The Turks
Ambassadress of Republic of Armenia to Japan, 1918-1920
If this present frightful war is being fought, as the opti- mists proclaim and would have us hope and believe, to usher into our world an era of political and international justice which will bestow on all enslaved peoples national freedom and uphold their right to self-determination and to choose the government under which they shall live; if na- tions and peoples are no more to be bartered as cattle, and the boundaries of territories must be fixed according to ethnographic lines; if, as a new crusade preaches, it has be- come necessary to this end that the Austrian Empire should be dismembered, so as to allow the peoples dominated by Austrian autocracy to develop their own national and po- litical existence; then how much more has it become neces- sary that the Ottoman Empire should be dismantled? This is the question that should be asked with two interrogative points instead of one.
GERALD FORD (1974-1977: “Mr. Speaker, with mixed emotion we mark the 50th anniversary of the Turkish Genocide of the Armenian people.
If the name “Austria” is a Crime as we are now being in- formed, in the interests of international justice, then who can deny that the name “Turkey” is the Crime of the Crimes? For great as have been the crimes of the Austrian Government against the enslaved peoples oppressed under
Armenia stood as a bulwark for Christianity against Moslem aggression through the centuries. She would have continued so to stand to the present day if powerful Chris- tendom had not decreed that the Ottoman Empire must continue to exist no matter what the crimes of the Ottoman government. The Turks conquered the fair countries of the ancient civilization not only through the might of the scim- itar and yataghan, but also through the weaknesses, the dis- sensions, and jealousies of the Christian nations who owned these lands. These weaknesses, jealousies, and dis- sensions were no other than the aftermath of the Roman conquests. Weakened in their defiance by attacks of Roman Imperialism, demoralized by the slavery that Rome had en- forced, these countries were unable to withstand the inva- sions of the savage hordes of Central Asia, and were compelled to bear on their soil the first onslaught of the wolves of Turkestan.
In taking special notice of the shocking events in 1915, we observe this anniversary with sorrow in recalling the massacre of Armenians and with pride in saluting those patriots who sur- vived the attacks to fight on the side of the freedom during World War I.
The countries that now constitute what remains of the Ottoman Empire are not Turkish and there are no Turkish portions of the Ottoman Empire. This is a fact which cannot be too forcibly and too clearly emphasized. The fatherland of the Turks is Turkestan in Central Asia. From their origi- nal home the Turks encroached on the soil of other nations, and spread their conquests from Asia Minor to Europe, from south-west Asia to northern Africa. In the march of their conquests, the Turks ravaged, desolated and de- stroyed. In possession of their conquests they have never constructed or built, but they have only continued to rav- age, desolate and destroy. By force they took possession of the wealth and culture of ancient civilizations which they neither preserved nor embellished, but only squandered and desecrated, and buried under ruins. Proximity with civilization has never been able to transform the savages in their nature. Like devouring locusts they swept over lands of plenty and laid them bare; like locusts even when in pos- session they have continued to devour until what were rich and fertile countries have been turned into barren wastes.
The stouthearted Armenian people who escaped the terror, murder and carnage set an example for the free world by their de- votion to the cause of freedom and their tremendous personal sac- rifices.
In the same way as the Turks built their Empire by aid of the conflicts, the dissensions, and jealousies of the Chris- tians, even so have they maintained their empires through the same agencies. The rivalry on one Christian Power against another has from time to time given a new lease of life to the Ottoman Empire and protracted its existence, until the very existence of the Ottoman Empire became the underlying cause of the great cataclysm that has now over- taken the world. The whole war can be focused to one Mo- tive, the German Motive for monopolizing the Ottoman Empire.
JAMES E. CARTER, JR. (1977-1981): “The history of Ar- menia, extending over three thousand years, is one of the survival against overwhelming odds, victory over oppression, and tragic human suffering....An estimated one and a half million persons were murdered during this ‘First Genocide of the 20th Century,’ yet even though the tragedy of history has not been corrected, Ar- menians, wherever they are, continue to maintain their culture and strong desire for freedom. Today, a small portion of historic Armenia is held by the U.S.S.R. as the Armenian Socialist Soviet Republic, while the remaining territory is a part of Turkey.
Turkish government through the centuries has been characterized by two predominating qualities,––murder and pillage. These two qualities, as history proves, have run riot of Crimes in the Turkish blood, or else how explain that long continuous record of Crimes against humanity which have been embodied in Turkish rule in times of war and in times of peace; how explain the starvation, the desolation, the ruin, the disease rampant at present through the length and breadth of the Ottoman Empire, in territory over which no armies have tramped and no battles have been fought, but where the destruction and desolation, the starvation, ruin, filth, disease, the misery and anguish have been brought about sheerly by the Government that dominates the land?
I sympathize with the plight of the Armenian people and un- derstand their yearning to see their homeland free once more.
As the leader of the Democratic party...the party of Woodrow Wilson, a man who showed compassion for the Armenian people at a time when they were subjected to extreme injustice...
RONALD W. REAGAN (1981-1989): “Today, I humbly bow of the memory of the Armenian martyrs, who died in the name of freedom at the hands of the Turkish perpetuators of Geno- cide.” (Governor of California, 1969)
“Like the genocide of the Armenians before it, and the geno- cide of Cambodians which followed it and the like to many other such persecutions of too many other peoples––the lessons of the Holocaust must never be forgotten.” (President Ronald W. Rea- gan, April 22, 1981)
The British Armies have advanced as far as Bagdad, en- tered Jerusalem, and captured Nazareth, but they have nei- ther plundered nor murdered, they have neither desolated nor destroyed; on the contrary, terror and horror reigned previous to their occupation, and peace and order have come with their entry.
There are several moral laws that govern our world as well as material laws, and since moral laws govern, peace can never be obtained by maintaining a Criminal State that not only by its acts has forfeited the right to live, but is also a robber and usurper of the countries of other nations on whom it has inflicted its bloody rule. For a hundred years the Ottoman Empire has lived through the support and as- sistance given by one section of Christendom as opposed against another. If it continues to exist after the war it will only be maintained through the same forces.
WILLIAM J. CLINTON: “The Genocide of 1915, years of communist dictatorship and devastating earthquakes of 1988 have caused great suffering in Armenia during this century.” (President J. Clinton, August 13, 1992)
Battles have been advanced in three provinces of the high plateau of Armenia, but all six provinces of this high plateau and the Cilician Plain have been turned into a char- nel house and a shambles, and this hellish work has not been done by the Armenians. Asia Minor is desolate; famine, ruin, disease and misery are over all that fair land; but no armies have marched across that country and no bat- tles have been fought there. The waters of the Euphrates have run red with blood, but not blood from any battle field but with the blood of an unarmed population murdered by the Government that dominated over them. Through Russ- ian territory, the long separated brothers (sons of the same father) Turk and Tartar have met and united, and millions of Tartars have now joined the Turkish ranks. Blood is thicker than water, and wolves run in packs.
GEORGE G. BUSH (2001-2008): “The United States must acknowledge the attempted genocide of the Armenian people in the last years of the Ottoman Empire, based on the testimony of survivors, scholars, and indeed our own representatives at the time, if we are to ensure that such horrors are not repeated.
We must consciously and conscientiously recognize the geno- cides of the past––the enormous tragedies that have darkened this century and that haunt us still. We must not only commemorate the courage of the victims and their survivors, but we must also remind ourselves that civilization cannot be taken for granted...We must all be vigilant against this most heinous crime against humanity,” (George W. Bush, 1988)
If “the world must be safe for democracy,” then also “the Christian countries must be safe for Christianity.” The name “Turkey” is a spurious invention; it is not any lawful or legitimate name, but a misnomer that has imposed itself like poisonous miasma over the countries of other peoples through the centuries of Turkish usurpation, and the peace of the world and the rights of humanity require that.
“The Turk has trodden this land––all is in ruins.” - Victor Hugo “God save us from the locust and the Turk.” - Arab proverb “Lord! Save us from the Devil and the Turk.” - Catholic Liturgy
“The twentieth century was marred by wars of unimagin- able brutality, mass murder and genocide. History records that the Armenians were the first people of the last century to have endured these cruelties. The Armenians were subjected to a geno- cidal campaign that defies comprehension and commands all de- cent people to remember and acknowledge the facts and lessons of an awful crime in a century of bloody crimes against humanity. If elected president, I would ensure that our nation properly rec- ognizes the tragic suffering of the Armenian people.” (George W. Bush, February 19, 2000)
Nations learn by experience. If the lesson that experi- ence teaches is not learned then disaster must overtake the folly or obstinacy that will not learn. If the Ottoman Empire is permitted to exist when a truce is called between the war- ring nations, European jealousies and rivalries will again be whirling round and round the fire that has surely cre- ated many a blaze in the east, and if allowed to exist will surely create another blaze in the future. Also with the new developments created in the wake of the present war, the menace of a militant Islam will grow into such formidable proportions as to imperil in the future the peace of the world. It is necessary for the nations to study the map of Asia before they study the map of Europe.
I will insure that the voice of the Armenian people will be heard...” (A statement, October 26, 1976.)
I join my colleagues in pausing to extend our deep sympathy to thousands of Armenians whose Armenian forefathers fought for freedom with our war allies and who have given much of themselves to make this a better country and a strong one.” (Con- gressional record, April 29, 1965.)
The wild savage nature of these sons of the same father has been permeated with the aggressive religion of the sword, the religion that enjoins to smite and spare not the “Gyavour” and the “Kaffir,” the complementary means by which Turks designate Christians.
Cont. on p.18
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 24, 2014 17
The Extraordinary Story Of 100-year-old Yevnigue Salibian,
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 24, 2014
United States Presidential...
One Of The Last People Alive Who Can Recall The Horror Of
Cont. from p.16
The Armenian Genocide By Robert Fisk
VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: “Recognition by the United States of Armenian Genocide is not the final goal. The real goal is the recognition of Turkey––of the Turkish Govern- ment–– of the Armenian Genocide and establishment of a com- mon Turkish-Armenian understanding of the events and tragedy that took place.” (July 29, 2008)
She was a child of the Great War, born on a faraway killing field of which we know lit- tle, one of the very last witnesses to the last century’s first genocide, sitting in her wheel- chair, smiling at us, talking of Jesus and the Armenian children whipped by the Turkish police whom she saw through the cracks in her wooden front door. It’s not every day you get to meet so finite an observer of human history, and soon, alas, we will not see her like again in our lifetime.
So many parents were killed in the first year of the Armenian genocide that the or- phans – tens of thousands of feral children who swarmed through the land in their ab- sence – were only later driven out by the Turks: these were tiny deportees whom Yevnigue saw. The Aposhians, however, were able to cling on until the French army arrived in eastern Turkey after the Ottoman surrender. But when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk launched a guerrilla war against the French
HIILLARY CLINTON before her assignment as Secretary of State: “I believe the horrible events perpetuated by Ottoman Empire against Armenians constitutes a clear case of genocide. I have twice written to President Bush calling him to refer to the Armenian Genocide in his annual commemorative state- ment...Our common morality and our nation’s credibility as a voice for human rights challenge us to ensure that the Armenian Genocide be recognized and remembered by the Congress and the President of the United States.” (January 24, 2008)
They took me to meet Yevnigue Salibian last week up in the Mission Hills of California, whose warm breezes and palm trees are not unlike the town of Aintab in which she was born more than a hundred years ago. She is an old lady now in a home for the elderly but with a still impeccable memory and an equally sharp and brutal scar on her thigh – which she displays without embarrassment – where a horse’s reins suspended her above a ravine until she al- most bled to death in her final flight from her Armenian homeland. “Hushhhhhh,” she says. “That’s how the blood sounded when it poured out of me. “I still remember it: ‘hushhhhhh’, ‘hushhhhhh’.”
occupiers of his land, the French retreated – and in 1921 the surviving Armenians fled with them to Syria, among them Yevnigue and her family, packed into two horse-drawn carts. She was among the very last Christians to leave her
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA (2008-present): The Ar- menian Genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely documented evidence. The facts are undeniable...America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully to all genocides. I intend to be that president. (January 19, 2008)
The facts of the Armenian Holocaust are as clear and real as those of the later Jew- ish Holocaust. But they must be repeated because the state of Turkey remains a holocaust denier, still insisting that the Ottoman government did not indulge in the genocide which destroyed a million and a half of its Armenian Chris- tian population almost a century ago. The Armenians were axed and knifed and shot in their tens of thousands, the women and children sent on death marches into the deserts of northern Syria where they were starved and raped and slaughtered. The Turks used trains and a primitive gas chamber, a lesson the Ger-
between the two carts. I changed places with an old lady. It was at night and over a ravine, our horses panicked, and the cart overturned and an iron bar killed the old lady and I was thrown over the edge of a bridge and only the horse’s reins saved me when they got wrapped around my leg. Jesus saved me. I hung there and there was the ‘hush- hhhhh’ sound of my blood pouring out of me.” Yevnigue shows the harsh scar on her leg. It has bitten deeply into
The remainder of her life – as she tells it – was given to God, her husband and the tragedy of losing one of her sons in a Lebanese road accident in 1953. A photograph taken on her arrival in Beirut shows Yevnigue to have been an ex- traordinarily pretty young woman and she had, she says, many suitors. She eventually chose a bald-headed Evan-
Her life was saved by the reins of a horse as her family fled the brutality of Ottoman rule
mans learned well. Very soon, there will be no more Yevnigues to tell their story.
gelical preacher, an older man called Vahran Salibian who had a big smile and whose name – Salibi – means cru- sader. “He had no hair on his head but he had Jesus in his heart,” Yevnigue announces to me. Vahran died in 1995 after 60 years of marriage and Yevnigue has lost count of her great grandchildren – there areatleast22sofar–butshe is happy in her cheerful Ar- menian nursing home.
She was born on 14 Janu- ary 1914, the daughter of Aposh Aposhian, an Aintab copper merchant who taught his five children the story of Jesus from a large Bible which heheldonhislapashesat with them on a carpet on the floor of their home. They were – like so many Armenians – a middle-class family, and Aposh had Turkish friends and, although Yevnigue does not say so, it appears he traded with the Ottoman army; which probably saved their lives. When the first deportations began, the Salibians were left in their home, but the genocide lasted till the very last months of the Great War – it had begun within weeks of the Allied landings at Gallipoli – and in 1917, the Turks were still emptying Aintab of its Armenians. That’s when the sound of crying led three-year-old Yevnigue to the front door of her home.
“It was an old wooden door and there were cracks in it and I looked through the cracks,” she says. “There were many children outside without shoes and the Turkish gen- darmes were using whips to drive them down the street. A few had parents. We were forbidden to take food to them. The police were using whips on the children and big sticks to beat them with. The sounds of the children screaming on the deportation – still I hear them as I look through the cracked door.”
“It’s not a good thing to be away from your family – but I like this place. Here, it is my extended family.” She loves America, Yevnigue says. Her family fled there when the civil war began in Lebanon in 1976. “It is a free place. All people come from everywhere to America. But why is our President a Muslim?” I try to convince her this is untrue. She reads the New Testament every day and she talks con- stantly of her love for Jesus – this is an old lady who will be happy to die, I think – and when I ask her how she feels today about the Turks who tried to destroy the Armenians, she replies immediately. “I pray for Turkey. I pray for the Turkish officials that they may see Jesus. All that is left of the Prophet Mohamed is dust. But Jesus is alive in heaven.”
Now Obama has engaged himself and the unwilling Americans in his expansionist goal of dominance through NATO into Ukraine and confronting Russia and the peo- ple of Crimea who chose to return to their former nation. The Cold War and unprecedented destruction has been ini- tiated. With sanctions initiated against Russia, while the Americans will not be impacted as much, but most Euro- pean Union Nations stand to suffer horribly if Russia cuts its oil and gas supply to them.
Armenian homeland. “My family was divided
Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama and Hillary have all shamefully reneged on their promises to have the Amer- ican Government recognize the Armenian Genocide com- mitted by the Turks. In fact these immoral individuals are not only the enemies of the Christian Armenians (and Greeks and Assyrians) but are the enemies of the Christian American People. Under Obama financial aid to Armenia has been drastically reduced but a hundred fold increased to the Genocidal Turks and the barbarian Tatar Azeris. As servants and surrogates to murderous atrocities by invad- ing Iraq and Afganistan and now creating caos in Syria. The recent attack on peaceful people of Armenian city of Kessab, Syria, by terrorist armed by American made arms and by the support of genocidal Turks, the government of United States of America, (not the American people), is condemned for “crimes against humanity.” It is time for the American people to stop these murderous leadership of their country and depose them and once again make Amer- ica the symbol of peace, justice and prosperity. The United States Government, the Senate and the Congress are con- demned for the killings of over a million Iraqis, five mil- lion displaced people; tens of thousands of Afghan killings; arming the Al-Qaida terrorists against Russia who now turn to bite their benefactors; over 5 billion Dollars in- vested in Afghanistan; 5 billion spent in Poland; over a tril- lion Dollars wasted on Bosnia and Libya; one billion to be spent on Ukraine; over 140,000 Syrians killed and over a million displaced by American supported Fundamentalist Islamic terrorists, who with Turkey have the goal of wiping out Christians and Alawis of Syria and establish a neo- Turkish Empire. Who now remembers and shares the sor- rows of the American families whose sons and daughters, over 4,000 dead soldiers and thousands who returned with legs, arms, eyes and parts of their skulls missing in a crim- inal war against Afghanistan and Iraq? For whose glory? Except for the profit of manufacturers of armaments and war mongers among the Senate and the Congress?
While trillions of Dollars are spent to make war in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, millions of American children go hungry, the schools are in decapitated conditions, mil- lions are jobless and especially the African American pop- ulation is condemned to poverty and disease.
the muscle. She was unconscious for two days, slowly re- covering in Aleppo, and then Damascus and finally in the sanctuary of Beirut.
And I am taken aback by this, until I suddenly realise that I am not hearing the voice of a hundred-year-old lady. I am listening to a three-year old Armenian girl whose fa- ther is reading the Bible on the floor of a house in Aintab and who is looking through the cracks of her wooden front door and witnessing her people’s persecution.
It is high time that the American people rebel and change Congress and the President and reestablish a State of the people, by the people, for the people, and stop Amer- ican taxpayers monies in supporting barbarian states like Genocidal Turkey, savage Tatar Azerbaijan.
STOP THE REPETITION OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE! STOP THE GENOCIDE IN KESSAB, THE PEOPLE WHO SURVIVED THE 1915 GENOCIDE AND FOUND REFUGE IN SYRIA. Stop bickering the issue in the United Nations! A plea is hereby extended to Russia and the Republic of Arme- nia for military assistance to the Syrian Government and the Armenians of Kessab and Aleppo.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 24, 2014
Uncovering Traces By Ani Hovannisian Kevorkian
”Go to hell,” was my gut, unuttered reaction when a man, who was surely a Turk, tried to make small talk with me while boarding an Istanbul-bound flight from New York’s JFK airport in June, 2012. I envisioned his grandfa- ther murdering my people, though I suppose he could also have been one of those merciful ones who spared doomed Armenians by taking them in as servants or worse. It did- n’t matter that it happened almost 100 years ago. It felt like now.
I was embarking on my first voyage to the lands and stories I had heard about all my life, to the homes (or ab- sence of) of Babi Kaspar and Grandma Siroon, of Babi Ho- vakim and Mami Chnkuhi, to the real-life remains of our age-old history that my father and mother, Drs. Richard and Vartiter K. Hovannisian have breathed into us, since, well, ever since I can remember.
our history real again, as much as we wish it wasn’t. Armen took us to the location where he had last seen Armenian gravestones, but they were gone. Now, we had to find them. I, for one, could not leave this little, perhaps now in- significant, village without proving Armenians had been here. How I could rejoice when finally finding an uprooted, desecrated and dislocated Armenian tombstone in a nearby garden, and a piece of another, belonging to Ghazar, in a wall, I don’t know. But, I did.
Izmit, Menemen, Izmir, Sis, Adana, Dort Yol, Zeitoun, Marash, Aintab, Urfa, the Euphrates River... the stones in them came to life. They took me to the stories and the peo- ple I knew and had heard of, to village orchards and city streets and church bells and schoolchildren and cama- raderie, and then to deprivation and nothingness. I became accustomed to seeing churches converted into dirt mounds or mosques. I searched for, found, welcomed and mourned the Armenian inscriptions in beautiful Armenian homes- turned-Turkish taverns, cafes, and museums. I wondered whose gravestones and what khatchkars I saw woven into the walls of Kurdish and Turkish village dwellings. But, I knew, and I thought, they must know, that they had been ours.
on their native soils even after forced eviction. The people here speak Armenian, have a working church, a running stream, benches alive with conversation and tavloo matches, and a shop stocked with hand-made soaps and foods from Vakif’s orchards.
If one man’s smile and hello and nonsense could affect me so, how, I wondered, would I face a million of them? Odd, though, it is, that I’m the girl who has always seen the humanity and “we’re all the same” in people. That, too, has exceptions, and I was living that exception.
Arriving in Turkey, and walking along the pedestrian- only grand Beyoghlu-Istiklal Boulevard, overflowing with cosmopolitan stores and inviting restaurants and colorful markets and people, tens of thousands of them, I almost for- got where I was. Yet, I knew I was surrounded by Turks. My head was spinning as I looked at one, then another, and another. I was consumed by them, but realized that I was no one to them. I didn’t exist. I’ve lived my entire life ob- sessed with the Genocide, with loss, with writhing feelings towards Turks, with the need to tell the world and some- how make it better. But here, I realized, we, the Armeni- ans, didn’t exist as even a passing thought to the endless stream of faces and bodies and laughter and conversation passing me by. These were families and friends and indi- viduals living, as people do. I was invisible. We were in- visible. Could I blame them?
En route, we stopped in several old Armenian towns that were never part of either Cilicia or Armenia proper. Bardizag, a hilltop village colored by flowers and trees and overlooking the Sea of Marmara, was known for its Amer- ican Missionary Bythinia High School for Armenians, whose structure still stands. Fresh out of Istanbul, I found myself desperate to find signs of old Armenian life, albeit lost. It’s as if seeing a trace of something Armenian would make me and us visible again. It would validate us, make
“Remember us,” he said, “that there is such a village on Musa Ler. There is no other. We are all Armenians here.” As I left reluctantly, Baron Avedis uttered words for me to carry and echo to the world beyond Musa Ler. “Armeni- ans are becoming fewer and fewer,” he said. “We must re- main Armenian,” I finished his thought. His firm “Ayo” sealed our pact. I recently learned that Baron Avedis passed away, but, the echo of his “badkam,” did not.
As we headed south, then east along the Mediterranean Sea, toward the lands of Armenian kingdoms and dynas- ties and castles and fortresses, the stones turned up without frugality. They almost took on a life of their own. There were no Armenians left to talk to, but there were the stones.
Ani Hovannisian Kevorkian with her father Prof. Richard Hovannisian
Here, 99-year-old Avedis Demirjian, born in 1914, lay on a cot on his front porch, with what looked like an olive branch resting on his torso. Here, I touched and kissed a living Armenian, blessed and cursed with the life and mem- ory of our people. Feeble, flat on his back, but strong of mind, Baron Avedis proudly recounted how he had been born on the great mountain, how there used to be six Ar- menian villages, how they fought to protect their villages against the Turks, how the Ottoman government pushed them out, and how this is the only Armenian village that remains. When I asked him whether the current residents of the other villages know whose houses they live in, he re- sponded, “Of course they know. They came and settled in ready homes. Who made those homes? They know.” He taught me that many of the hearths in the Armenian vil- lages leading up to Vakif had been destroyed, but here, more than half had survived.
To be continued
SONGBIRDS By Alice Krumian
Alighted upon my windowsills, Sparrows, finches and robins , Those winged musicians of the air, Sing melodiously with no care.
Perched on the bars without permission, They invite us warmly to their audition, To the sweet cadence of their melodies, Their rhythmic scales and charming trills.
They sing in unison and perfect harmony, A sublime choir of multiple tonality; They perform in quick succession, Hopping and twittering with elation.
They start their enchanting hymn, As soon as the dawn breaks in, They sing listening to one another, In metronomic rhythm and measure.
Inside my room with an open window, I listen to their tunes, fine and mellow, Their songs are words in many keys, Sweeter than instruments, to my ears.
Who taught them these lively melodies, Interpreters of their thoughts and feelings? They sing away their joy and grief, While serenading us every morning.
Twittering and hopping in nimble jumps, Our feathered friends, much beloved, Came and aligned on my windowsills, Heralding the Spring with joyful hymns.
I was glad to meet my fellow travelers, 24 in all, who, led by Armen Aroyan’s encyclopedic knowledge of the routes and their relevance, set out to discover what each of us had come in search of. Armen, with his unassuming mastery of the land and understanding of our need to find our place there, knew exactly where and how to go. He had already opened the door for more than 1,200 people, and by extension, their families, to a world that had been stripped away from them, almost a figment of their imagi- nation, until he showed them that it was there and theirs to experience. And being with my father, who has walked this soil a thousand times over, if not physically, was the great- est treasure of all. On this NAASR-organized trip, rather than starting in the heart of Historic Western Armenia-East- ern Turkey, our group headed by van first toward Cilicia, along the south-west and central expanses of the country, where Armenian kingdoms had flourished from the 11th to 14th centuries.
A breezy evening we spent at a rooftop restaurant and boutique-style hotel adjacent to the magnificent fortress of Urfa and across from a massive Armenian church-turned - mosque, has haunted me to this day. As I explored my sur- roundings, camera in hand, as I always do, I came across a note deeply carved into the wall of one of the guestrooms. I learned later that this had been the home of a wealthy Ar- menian before 1915, and a gathering place for Armenians seeking refuge and each other after the Genocide. While some Armenian residents escaped death and returned to their homes in Urfa, they were forced to depart, yet again and for good in 1922 as a result of Ataturk’s and the Turk- ish nationalists’ policy of expulsion.
The inscription, concealed behind a curtain, read, in Ar- menian:
“ I wrote these words in 1922, at this home of Nishan ... I came and stayed here for 25 days. I am leaving now. Farewell, my friends. May whoever reads this, remember
me.A” ll I could make out of his name engraved in capital let- ters was the “IAN”, until I later showed the photo to my young children, who gave identity back to this man. His name, they deciphered, appeared to be Bedros Der Mselian... Bedros, who searched, hid, and hoped to find someone; Bedros, who 25 days later, left his mark, and fled yet again, to an unknown destiny.
Stones led to actual people, Armenians, in Musa Dagh. Discovering them and their simple existence was, for me, as miraculous as their legendary defense of their mountain and people almost 100 years earlier, which was made fa- mous by Franz Werfel’s novel, “The Forty Days of Musa Dagh.” Vakif, the only remaining Armenian village on the proud mountain, and as far as I know, in all of Historic Ar- menia and present-day Turkey, is home to 140 Armenians, descendants of the brave defenders who warded off the Turks for more than 40 days in 1915, and returned to live
20 Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 24, 2014
Armenian Genocide Is Part Of Turkey’s History – Expert
Armenian Genocide Is Covered More Than
Russian Scholar: Turks Must Condemn Their Ancestors' Crimes Against Armenians
YEREVAN. – The First World War gave the opportunity, time and chance to the Ot- toman Empire to carry out its pre-planned crimes against Armenians.
YEREVAN. – For Armenia the Genocide was a crime without any response, Brown University Rhode Island, USA) ex- pert Adam Sacks stated.
He stressed that the events which occurred during the Armen- ian Genocide are
Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Director Hayk Demoyan, who is also Sec- retary of the Armenian Genocide 100th An- niversary Events Coordinating State Committee, stated the above-said.
Sacks noted the aforementioned at the international conference, titled “The Caucasian Frontline of the First World War: Genocide, Refugees and Humanitarian Assistance,” which got underway Monday at the Armenian Geno- cide Museum-Institute in capital city Yere- van.
covered more than those which transpired at the time of the Jewish Holocaust.
He noted the aforementioned at the in- ternational scientific conference, which is devoted to the Caucasian front during the First World War, and which got underway Monday at the Armenian Genocide Mu- seum-Institute in capital city Yerevan.
“The greatest silence was inaction, or noninterference. There was also an exploit- ing silence to oversee the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide, and an alleged si- lence, a notion that the Genocide could have been predicted based on specific cir- cumstances,” Adam Sacks stated.
In Demoyan’s words, all World War I episodes, especially those that occurred at the Caucasian front, are very important for Armenia, since the military operations in Armenians Mark Easter At Saint Giragos the area were taking place against the back-
ground of the perpetration of the Armen- ian Genocide.
Church In Diyarbakir
YEREVAN. – A crime committed against Armenians in the Ottoman Turkey is a fact confirmed by decisions and decrees of the Ottoman leadership and Turkish Courts-Martial of 1919, Russian scholar said.
“Turkish authorities are attempting to hide, this year as well, the world recollec- tion on the Armenian Genocide in their country. This fact should help so that we [Armenians] present the truth, not propa- ganda, to the world.
Armenians marked Easter at Saint Gi- ragos Church in Diyarbakir, Turkey, on Sunday.
Viktor Nadein-Rayevsky, Senior Fellow at Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of World Economy and International Rela- tions, was a keynote speaker at the “The Caucasus Frontline of the First World War. Genocide, Refugees and Humanitarian As- sistance” conference held in Yerevan.
“Ultimately, the Armenian Genocide is a part of the recollection and history of not solely the Armenian people, but of Turkey and the Turkish people,” Hayk Demoyan stressed.
Hundreds gathered for Easter Sunday Mass at the Armenian church, Armenian Weekly reported. Among the attendees were newly-elected Diyarbakir Metropoli- tan co-mayor Fırat Anli and former mayor of the Diyarbakir Sur Municipality Abdul- lah Demirbas.
In his report on pan-Turkic spy ring, he said international community and the civil society put an end to the question of who is to blame for Armenian Genocide. How- ever, the Russian scholar stressed that it was done by Europeans, not Turks. Mean- while, the number of confirmed documents speaks about the scale of the tragedy.
Putin Signs Decree To Rehabilitate Tatars, Armenians Of Crimea
An Armenian girl was baptized after Easter Mass. Her family currently lives in Istanbul but wanted to see Amber Kaz bap- tized at Saint Giragos church.
the 1980s, however, the church was left to the mercy of fate. Subsequently, a group of Istanbul-based Diyarbakir Armenians es- tablished the Saint Giragos Fund to restore the church. The Armenian fund and the Di- yarbakir City Hall covered 70 and 30 per- cent, respectively, of the $2.5 million-worth restoration costs.
Holocaust – American Expert
rienced a shock as a consequence of deportation, mas- sacres, and perse- cution.
As per the American expert, Armenians and Jews are sister nations that have expe-
Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a decree on rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatars and other nationalities of Crimea who suffered from Stalin’s repres- sions.
The 1,400-seat-capacity Saint Giragos Armenian Church of Diyarbakir was built in 1376 in the city’s Hancepek district, where a large number of Christians lived up until the Armenian Genocide. Ever since
“Whatever Turkey says about the fig- ures and damage to property, over 2.5 set- tlements, around 2,400 churches, hundreds of Armenians schools, enterprises, estates suddenly lost their owners,” Nadein- Rayevsky, said.
“I would like to inform colleagues that I have signed a decree on rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatars, the Armenian popula- tion, Germans, Greeks, who suffered from Stalin’s repressions,” ITAR-TASS quotes Putin.
The researcher noted that it is necessary for the Turks to be able to condemn the crime of their ancestors.
The decree also contains measures on social and economic planning of certain areas that have been recently abandoned.
“This is important so that once Turkey's understanding of condemnation could come. This is morally difficult for anyone, the Germans went through it, condemning the Holocaust. Let's hope that national courage will prevail in Turkey. It is their fu- ture, and the future of Turkish-Armenian relations,” he said.
Twitter Vice President To Visit Artsakh
If crimes of genocide are not con- demned by mankind, they pave the way for future crimes, he concluded.
Cont. from p.13
Russia and the European Union (EU), but Armenia was allegedly setting precondi- tions,” Sharmazanov said.
Vice president of Twitter, board mem- ber of Tumo Center for Creative Technolo- gies Raffi Krikorian, who visited Armenia recently and met with President Serzh Sargsyan, has promised to visit Nagorno- Karabakh during his next trip to Tumo Center, Artak Beglaryan, a spokesman for NKR Prime Minister Ara Harutyunyan, wrote on Twitter.
As the centennial of the Armenian Genocide is nearing, Armenia’s political forces – irrespective of their political views – must, hand in hand with the Armenian Diaspora, do their best for the event to be marked at a higher level. Denying geno- cides is tantamount to committing them, Sharmazanov said.
“Great: Twitter vice president Raffi ac- cepted Karabakh’s Prime Minister’s invita- tion to visit Artsakh during his next trip to Tumo Center,” Beglaryan tweeted.
With respect to the opposition forces’ statements that the Armenian-Turkish pro- tocols have caused damage to Armenia, Sharmazanov said: “I am citing facts, whereas opposition members are voicing their opinions. And it is no coincidence that former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton visited Tsitsernakabert and noted that the ball was in Turkey’s court.”
Lour;r Niu :orqhn
A\s ;rkto[e k*oux;m n;rka- \azn;l fama\n fa\ouj;an% or pataf;zau ;r;q tari a®a=% im entaniqis f;t!
:[ ba\rs% 36 tar;kan an] me% or ke xba[ouhr manrankarcou- j;amb% a,.atashr ;u k;anqow l;zoun an] me% ,r=apatoua‘ ir sir;lin;row% ir tikno= ;u ;rkou 'oqrik doustr;row!
Saka\n ;kau carabastik øre% or znz;z bolors! Fiuandoujiune bazau ir dou®e% or ke kocouhr IGA nephropathy – Kidney fail! Boloris k;anqe 'o.ou;zau mhk øroua\ mh=% faka®ak anor or ke n;r,nchinq xinq% saka\n ørh ør au;li ke ‘anranar wiyake% kar‘;s ar;ui lo\se ;u =;rmoujiu- ne a\l;us m;xi famar chr% ;rb a k a n a t ; s k *e l l a s ; [ b ø r d c a r - caranqin!
Bvi,kn;roun øgnoujiune ;[au f;t;u;al ];uow& ;[ba\rs piti endounhr aDialysiso% isk au;li yi,de piti ;njarkou;r gor‘o- [ouj;an% ;jh oun;nar aTrans- planto!
"or];zinq dim;l tarb;r en- k;roujiunn;rou adonoroi famar% patas.ane ;[au spas;l 9-10 tari! A\o*% diurin h jiu;r es;le! Miak oro,oume ;[au dim;l aDia- lysisoi% ,abaje ;r;q angam! An- zau mhk tari ;u oc mhk \a®a=- dimoujiun% k*a[øjhinq or fra,q me patafi!
A\d fra,qe ;[au% ;rb 20 am;a\ t[as^ Wardane% a\o* im f;ros Wardane oro,oum ka\azouz% or
adonoroe% es;low& aOc mhke krna\ arg;lq fan-
disanal% ;s patrast ;m minc;u w;r= pa\qar;louo!
Fima ke fasknam% jh inco#u t[ous anoune drou;r h Wardan% qani or Wardann;re k*ellan is- kakan f;rosn;r!
:rb;mn ke mta‘;m% or t[as lo\s a,.arf b;r;r ;m% or 'rkh im ;[børs k;anqe!
:r;uaka\;zhq im wiyaks% mhk k o [ m t [ a s % mi u s k o [ m ; [ b a \ r s % saka\n endoun;low t[a\is .øsqe! W;z amis anz parxou;zau% jh t[as liakatar adonoro krna\ ellal ;u gor‘o[oujiune \a=o[ou- j;amb anzau% no\nisk bvi,kn;re ;u fiuandanozi ambo[= a,.a- takizn;re fiazmounqow ke .ø- shin qa=n Wardanin masin% or 20 tar;kan ;ritasard me% ir kamqow ;k;r h ;u ir ;rikamin mhke nouira‘ h mør;[børe!
"a®q ;u faxar 'a®q ;rkouqn al lau ;u a®o[= ;n ;u ;r=anik!
Sir;li enj;rzo[% k*oux;m koc en;l fama\n fa\ouj;an ;u man- auand m;r fa\ ;ritasardn;roun% or ellanq mi,t irarou øgno[! A\s to[;re jou[ji talou va- manak arzounqn;rs c;m krnar xsp;l% ba\z phtq h .ostowanim or asonq oura.ouj;an arzounq- n;r ;n!
inqe piti
ella\ ir
mør;[ bør
|andougn na.a];®nouj;an me skixbe kar;li h nkat;l arou;s- tagitoufi Nora Armanii kax- mak;rpa‘ am;nam;a\ `ilm;rou `;sjiwale% or ke krh "Socially Relevant" endfanour .oragire!
A\s na.a];®noujiune wsta- fabar bo[oq men h ankaska‘ ani- rauoujiunn;rou% anardar qa- [aqakan fala‘anqn;rou% anar- dar datawaroujiunn;rou% qstm- n;li oyirn;rou ;u amhn t;sak anmardaka\in enk;ra\in ;r;- uo\jn;rou! Dvouar or nman bo- [oqi ]a\n;r% a\s ostanin mh= ;r;uan gan a\sqan mianouag! Xanaxan nkatoumn;row `ilmar- tadricn;r f;®ou ;n nmanørinak enk;ra\in ;u qa[aqakan far- z;rh% oronq ounin .or dasakar- ga\in bno\j% \a®a=dimakan nkaragir% bar;'o.oumn;rou ar]agangn;r ;u amhn inc or% go- nh :uropa\i \a®a=az;al ;rkir- n;rou mh= orphs ira*u .øsqi axatoujiun ke kirarkouin!
Foliwoute ouni ir s;'akan qa[aqakanoujiune ;u ke f;tap- ndh ,r=anaki me g;rago\n ,af;- re ;u fanra\in kar‘iq ke st;[- ‘h pa*rx vo[owourdin møt% w;r- na.aui me ;u karg me fauaqa- kanoujiunn;roun g;rago*\n ,af;- roun i npast!
Jh;u a\la.ofn;r piti nka- touin gonh masnakiz `ilmarta- dricn;re% .mbagirn;rn ou `ilm;- rou b;madricn;re% saka\n% baz- man ;r;ko\;an srafe l;zouza‘ am;rikazi mtauorakann;rou fo‘ n;rka\oujiune inqnin ;ra,.iqn h a\n mta‘oumin jh ardarou- jiun c*ellar dvba.tabar mo®- zoua‘ xanaxan spannoujiunn;- rou% z;[aspanoujiunn;rou% da- tawyi®n;rou nkatmamb! Enk;- ra\in% a\s paraga\in an\arir ;r;uo\jn;re% ke drs;uorouin a\d qani me ør;roun% axatørhn!
Saka\n mius ko[mh zo\z ke trouin na;u `ilm;r% am;rik;an `ilmartadricn;rou ko[mh% oronq ke ,ø,a';n na;u a\n enk;ra\in anardaroujiunn;re% oyirn;re% dauadrakan ;r;uo\jn;re% oronq endfanraphs la\n pasta®n;rou wra\ c;n zouzadrouir a\s ;rkrin mh= ;u ,outow mo®azouj;an ke trouin!
A\s `;sjiwalin ke masnakzin Fa\astanhn% Ganata\hn% Qou- pa\hn% ~ransa\hn% G;rmania\hn% Isra\hlhn% Norw;kia\hn% S;rpia- \hn% Faraua\in Qorha\hn% Xoui- z;ria\hn ;u Folanta\hn ,arva- patk;ri f;t a[;rs oun;zo[ arou;staghtn;r% oronq wstafa- bar piti da®nan ørinak nor s;roundin famar!
A ndranik n;rka\azoumn hr aMamaro,oe% or ke n;rka\aznh NAJØ-i ouv;rou ®mbafaroum- n;re 1999-in P;lkrati wra\& irakan k;anqh a®noua‘ pat- moujiun me ke n;rka\aznh s;r- p;rou a®ør;an a\d pat;rax- makan ør;rhn a®noua‘& incphs na;u^ ma\r ou xauaki me ga[je dhpi Niu :orq% our k;anqe jh;u pat;raxmakan ch% saka\n ir dvouaroujiunn;row a\nqan men al grauic ch ;u jh&&& ama\j;roun wra\ tolarn;r c;n ,aroua‘&&&o! Fos ;us davan h k;anqe! ~ilme a®a=in angam zouzadroua‘ h Moskoua\i 2013-i mi=axga\in
M;‘ jiu me fiurenkaln;rou fra- uirou;zan srafi møt gtnouo[ The Fourth ya,arane fiurasirou- j;an% our a®ij st;[‘ou;zau mø- thn ‘anøjanalou Nora Arma- niin ou Mrtagowicin!
|a=ordakan ør;roun% n;rka\a- zou;zan souriazi t;[afan;al- n;rou ga[je Libanan ;u a\l mi- =axga\in `ilm;r! Isk fa\kakan j;ma\ow qani me irar\a=ord `ilm;r^ Par;t Maron;ani The Orphans of the Genocide% Atrinh Grigor;ani Bavakan% Lousin Sa- fak;ani Hamshen at the Crossroads of Past and Present% oronq ke ,ø,a- ';n orqan Z;[aspanouj;an% inq- noro,man% axgapafpanman% no\n- qa*n ;u enk;ra\in farz;r!
Mia\n ,norfakal phtq h ellal Nora\in% or \a=o[ouj;amb krzau a\s na.a];®nouj;an tal mi- =axga\in makardak me ;u orou endmh=hn^ Z;[aspanouj;an da- radar]i enda®a= tal m;r vo[o- wourdin zaue Niu :orqi g;[ar- u;stashr la\n fasarakouj;an ;u famalsaranakan ousano[ou- j;an!
NOR ØR% FING, 2014
1915-i Øsman;an p;touj;an sarqa‘ yiua[a\in z;[aspanouj;nhn fra,qow 'rkoua‘ fa\ordin;r kaxm;zin entan;kan bo\n;r% ir;nz nor gta‘ ;rkirn;roun mh=! Our or gazin% =anazin paf;l ir;nz go- \oujiune^ s;u a,.atanq katar;low& nor ;rkirn;rou l;xoun chin git;r! F;txf;th krzan arta\a\touil% faskzn;l ;u fas- kzouil! Anonq karøt hin lau snoundi% krjouj;an% ir;nz gitza‘ arf;stn;re kirark;lou qa=al;ranqin! Faxiu s;n;ak me% no\nisk khs s;n;ak% annpast pa\man- n;r% mta‘;zin norafas ;ritasardn;re psak;l% orphsxi nafatakoua‘ milion- n;roun 'o.arhn^ xauakn;r ‘nin% axgin jiue baxmazn;n!
A[qat% cqauor% faxiu cor fazi me was- takow apro[ m;r entaniqn;re imastou- jiune oun;zan ;ritasard entaniqn;r kaxm;lou! Orbanozn;rhn dours ;ka‘ d;®a- ti a[=ikn;r oun;zan no\nqan ;ritasard ';san;r% psakou;zan a®anz inqna,arv- n;rou ,q;rji (orowf;t;u mati wra\ fam- rouo[ inqna,arvn;r ka\in% amhn ;rjoud- ar]^ qal;low)! Counhin kargin farsan;kan xg;st! Irarmh 'o. a®noua‘ farsan;az fagoustn;row psakou;zan anonq% n;[lik bnakarann;rou mh= a,.arf b;rin 5-6 ;u au;li xauakn;r! Manoukn;rou maf;re ,at hin% orowf;t;u counhin bvi,ki ;rjalou niujakan karo[oujiun% oc al^ n;rka\ ør;- roun fam;matakan bouvarann;r% øgnou- jiun ;u a\ln! M;®no[ mankan 'o.arhn ke ‘nhr \a=orde! A\s imastoun f;®ankarow baxmazan m;r ga[oujn;rou fa\;re! Am- 'o'% fakiry ];uow ‘anøjazouzinq mas- nauorabar libananafa\ m;r ga[ouji \;t;[;®n;an kaxmauorman tarin;rou k;anqe% entan;kan kaxmauoroumn;re ;u a\ln!
A\sør% ;rb ke patrastouinq Z;[aspa- nouj;an 100-am;akin% incpisi gofouna- kouj;amb piti n;rka\ananq m;r nafa- takn;roun \i,atake \au;rvazn;lou par- tauorouj;an! "a*®q Astou‘o\% ga[ouje oun;zau n;[ ør;roun f;t;uo[ na;u la\n ør;r! :rb oun;zanq kou,t a®ør;a\% psakn;r% farsaniqn;r katar;zinq nora- ];uoujiunn;rou f;t;uo[ouj;amb% oun;zanq yo.% arqa\akan% i,.anakan xg;sta- uoroum ;u fars;rou minc;u isk \andougn ag;[;zkoujiuno% mo®zanq entaniq kax- m;lou npatake ;u gofazanq mhk kam ;r- kou xauak en‘a\;l axgin! "a*®q Astou‘o\% oun;zanq m;r axga\in yartarouj;amb% m;r a,.atasirouj;amb 'a\loun dirq;- rou fasa‘ fa\r;nakizn;r% ba\z mius ko[- mh^ mo®zou;zau m;r jiue ay;zn;lou fra- ma\akane! Inco#u&&&!
Pat;raxm apr;zanq% a\o*% ba\z a\s patya®abanoujiune endoun;li c;nq nka- t;r% orowf;t;u no\nisk ®mbako‘oumn;rou vamanaka,r=anin psakouo[n;r ;[an! O#ur ;n anonz xauakn;re!
Baxmajiu ;n tnt;sakan tagnapn;re patya®abano[n;re! Fapa# faroust da- sakarge! Our;mn oun;uorouj;an ;u coun;- uorouj;an farz ch a\s% a\l^ ckamouj;an% ma\ranalou dvkamouj;an! Anzno[ s;roun- din ma\r;re a[qat hin m;‘au masamb% tan mh= a,.atanq ke katarhin% ];®a- gor‘ k∞a,.athin% kar ke karhin% tna\in pa\mann;rou mh= 'oqr ;kamoutow ke go- fana\in% øgtakar k∞ella\in ir;nz amou-
mar gor‘;r! A\sør famakargic ka\% `h\s- pouq ;u miusn;re kan! Manoukn;rou ta- r;dar]n;re ya,arann;rou mh= ke tøn;n! B=i=a\in gor‘iqn;roun norago\ne phtq h oun;nal! Bar;ba.toujiun ke nkat;n no\nisk mhk xauak oun;nale&&& Ma\re gor‘i k∞;rja\% ,afa‘ goumarhn krna\ a[a.ini me tramadr;l! O#ur mnaz ma\rakan kaje% ma\rakan gourgouranqe&&&!
Ouninq 'a'aqn;r% ;raxanqn;r snouza- no[ fa\ordin;r% oronq ke ba[]an 100-am- ;akin st;[‘;l% a,.arf b;r;l mhkoukhs milion fa\a‘in manoukn;r% i \ou, nafa- takaz! :rani@ jh&&&!
A\s nafan=e wa\;l ch m;r vo[owourdin! Fama,.arfa\nazoumi f;t;u;low^ oc jh k∞ayi m;r jiue% a\l ke ]oulouinq% ke kor- souinq!
|o# ;rjas fa\ ;ritasardoujiun% fa\ vo[owourd! aS;n Walanja\no al tøn;zinq% baxmajiu hin m;r nor s;roundin enk;r- enk;roufin;re% ba\z car]anagr;zinq oc mhk miazoum% oc mhk n,andrhq&&&!
I#nc ke mta‘h ard;øq Fa\oz Z;[aspan- ouj;an 100-am;aki k;dronakan marmine!
Astoua‘ øgnh amhnous&&&!
sinn;roun ;u entan;kan srboujiun ke pa- fhin fauatarmabar! Our;mn a[qat phtq hr mna\inq% or mta‘hinq xauak ‘nan;lou masin! Kar vamanak me% or vo[owrda\in kargi anza‘ aso\j me kar& aA[qatn;re ,at xauak ke b;r;no! |stak h% ir;nq xir;nq aamoulo karga‘ oun;uor dasa- kargin h m;[qe&&&!
M;r ,our=e amhn ør ke ls;nq mafazo[- n;rou anounn;r% tar;z kam ;ritasard! Fiuandoujiunn;re% arka‘n;re% moloujiun- n;re baxmaza‘ ;n% f;t;uabar sir;lin;r ke mafanan anvamanak&&&!
A\s iro[oujiune ke fastath ankoume m;r jiuin! O#ur ;n nora‘inn;re! M;r mamoule% m;r ®ation;re lo\s k∞en‘a\;n ørakan qani me mafaxd ;u ke ‘anouzan;n baxmajiu anounn;r mafazo[n;rou! Xour t;[ k∞aknkal;nq% or m;xmh \auht bav- nouo[n;roun 'o.arhn gonh khs jiuow no- ra‘inn;rou anounn;r karda\inq% lshinq!
Mhkoukhs milion nafatak% 100 tari ;tq gor‘naphs mo®azoum^ nor xauakn;r ‘nan;lou! Incph#s piti ,atnanq! O*c% Pa- ro\r S;uak% aC;nq ,atanaro a\s enjaz- qow% a\l ke nouaxinq jiuow% orowf;t;u m;r ma\r;re ;[a‘ ;n inqnashr% ke f;t;- uin fayo\analou% isk m;r fa\r;re ;njar- koua‘ ;n `;minixmi norago\n pafan=- n;roun!
Amhn axg ke par‘;na\ ir jiuow% ir milion- n;row% m;nq al k∞a'sosanq no\nisk m;r mhk jiuin nouaxoumow! Orqan diuraza‘ ;n maf;re% minc Mou,;[ I,.an jatr;rk me ouni aM;®nile orqan dvouar ho anounow&&& Amhn inc ke nafan=h! Ke nafan=;nq l;xouow% barq;row% auandoujiunn;re mo®nalow! Ke sirafarinq øtar t[oun% øtar a[=kan% \;to\^ ;rja*s barow fa\oujiun&&& Qic vamanak anz^ amousnalou‘oum% ;jh mhk fatik me ‘na‘ h% ba*u h! O[= mna\ aJ®cnoz bo\neo% fon ke .namouin!
aMa\r;re k∞a,.atino&&& A,.atanqe fin ør;roun al kar% esinq^ m;‘ masamb tou- n;rou mh=% ke katarhin a\d ør;roun \ar-
Orbaza‘ fa\oufin;r
,r=ani wra\! :AFK Minski fama- na.agafn;riz ~ransia\i n;r- ka\azouzice ou[[aki mi=nordi% dito[i kam ko[mnaki (;r;ui lib;ral) d;mokrat .a[azo[i d;roum h!
:rb S;pt;mb;ri 3-in FF na- .agaf S;rv Sargs;ane \a\ta- rar;z% or Fa\astane mianoum h Maqsa\in Miouj;ane (MM)% AMN-i ko[miz Minski famana.agaf Yh\ms Ouorliqe ;rkou angam a\- z;l;z Paqou% a®anz mius fama- na.agafn;ri!
A\st;[ kar;li h ;xrakazn;l% or mtn;lou famar ÂD na.agaf (;r;ui aNa.agafn;ri-Na.a- gafo% orowf;t;u na tasn;ak na- .agafn;ri [;kawarn h) Wladi- mir "outine inc-or .ostoumn;r h tou;l FF na.agafin% fauana- bar anwtangouj;an a®oumow% orowf;t;u Y& Ouorliqi Paqou ka- tara‘ a\z;riz \;to\ (fauana- bar Oua,inkjenn hl Paqouin inc-or .ostoumn;r h tou;l)% ør;rs FF-oum t;[aba,.oua‘ ®ousakan ®axmabaxa\i fra- manatar% gndap;t Andrh\ Âou- xinskin \a\tarar;z% or ka\a- xøre karo[ h mi=amt;l {ara- ba[;an .ndri kargauormane% ;jh Paqoun ir;n lau cpafi! A\s- t;[ na;u Jourqia\in ou[[oua‘ fa[ordagroujiun h jaqnoua‘% orowf;t;u ®ousakan ouv;re t;-
[aba,.oua‘ ;n f;nz fa\ jrqa- kan safmani møt! A\sinqn% na- .aphs arg;lakuoum h Jourqia\i fnarauor mi=amtoujiune!
Isk fa\ axgi famar anfra- v;,toujiun h ir tara‘qn;ri w;- radar]e% orphsxi karo[ana\ bnakanon xargana\! :u a\d ta- ra‘qn;re phtq h w;radar]n;nq S;uri pa\managri fama]a\n% AMN 28-rd na.agaf Woutrø Ouilseni irauarar wyi®e øgta- gor‘;low!
W;r=;rs \a\tni dar]au% or Ar;umt;an Fa\astani wtaran- di ka®awaroujiune ;u Axga\in >orfourdn (na.agaf^ Arm;nak Abrafam;an% warcap;t^ Tigran "a,ap;x;an) ardhn famapa- tas.an a,.atanqn;r ;n ta- noum MAK-i anwtangouj;an .orfourdoum! Nman a,.atanq- n;r ;n kataroum na;u Los An- y;lesoum fimnoua‘ AMN-oum Waspourakani Fa\r;nakzakan Miouj;an ko[miz st;[‘oua‘ Ar;umt;an Fa\astani Pa,tpa- nouj;an .orfourdi [;kawarn;re^ Miqa\hl Søsik;ane ;u |akob Mkrtc;ane!
Fa\kakan farzi lou‘man va- manake møt;noum h! Migouzh m;x ouxoum ;n anaknkal matouz;l M;‘ :[;®ni 100 am;aki kapak- zouj;amb! K*apr;nq% ke t;sn;nq! A\s a,.arfoum ;rb;uh ocinc ci kar;li baza®;l!
jiunn;row% =oure aa[biuron;rhn .m;lou ;u% est a\nm% w;rlou‘;lou ou ko[mnoro,ou;lou% fousk^ na.apatrastou;lou!
:jh a\s patrastoua‘ouj;amb ou mta‘o[ouj;amb c;n ];ua- uoroua‘ m;r qa[aqakan mitqn ou fasounoujiune% an.ousa';li piti da®nan znzoumn;rn ou a[htn;re% isk fa\ vo[owourde irauounq couni ckan.at;s;lou jrqakan a\s ;u a\l (,arounak;li) aspatakoujiun- n;re% qani^ a\l;us m;xi ARGILOUA’ h pata®ik me fo[ korsnzn;l% fa\r;nakan jh fa\auana\in% ga[ouja\in jh fama\nqa\in makar- dakn;row!
I dhp% Q;sapi iradar]oujiunn;rou farzow% Fa\astani i,.anou- jiunn;rou arag fakaxd;zoujiune^ thr ou pa,tpan kangn;lou Q;sapin ;u q;sapafa\ouj;an% endfoup^ .orfrdaranakan bar]r astiyan patouirakoujiun me gor‘ou[[;low Damaskos ou Lajaqia% arvani h .or \arganqi ;u ;ra.tagitouj;an% orowf;t;u p;takan makardakow al a\s g;r.ndire ar‘ar‘ou;zau ou f;tapndou;zau!
Bar;n,;li h% or fa\ vo[owourde^ Fa\astani jh S'iu®qi mh=% an- tarb;r ou krauorakan cmnaz% a\l^ ir n;rka\oujiune xgazn;l touau% saka\n% orqa@n o[=oun;li ou ‘a'afar;li piti ellar% ;jh au;li axdou% miasnakam ou fama.oumb ella\in% au;li kaxmak;rpcakan ou xangoua‘a\in% au;li ‘ragroua‘ ou f;t;uo[akan!
Kar;li ch endounil% oc al famak;rpil karg me .valour ]a\n;rou kam ]a.au;r gricn;rou% oronq avan das;r talou% .ak w;rlou‘oum- n;r katar;lou ou ;sakan t;sakhtn;r arta\a\t;lou so';stoujiun- n;rou an\a=o[ 'or]oujiunn;rou matnou;zan% ;rb Q;sapi wiyakoua‘ yakatagiri ‘anrak,®ouj;an f;t% anlr=ouj;amb møt;zan!
Q;sape^ axga\in arvanapatououjiun h! Q;sape^ fa\kakan fo[atara‘q h! Q;sape^ fa\ouj;an par‘anqn h! Q;sape^ w;rakangn;li h!
Q;sape^ anthr-antirakan ch! Q;sape^ qa[aqaziakan fauatarmouj;an nmo\, h! Q;sape^ mna\oun irakanoujiun h! A\s phtq h ella\ m;r fauatamqe ;*u Q;sapi% ;*u A\nyari% ;*u or;uh
fa\apatkan kam fa\a,at ,r=ani nkatmamb! Askh dours ci*q y,martoujiun!
NOR ØR% FING, 2014
Na\ir;an cqna[ mi pa\‘a® ;rkir :u baxmacarcar ta®apa‘ mi axg% Na m;r fogoum h% boloris srtoum Go\at;uoum h ;u ke go\at;ui dar;r ,arounak!
:u mardka\in yi,d% .orn imazouj;amb Ouxoum ;nq faskazn;l ambo[= a,.arfin% Qna‘ a,.arfin a\s .;lakoro\s Or mi dimanoum hl fa\i fogin!
Bazh*q ];r .[yi ;u .[ymtanqi Patoufann;re ,at wa[ouz 'akoua‘% A\nt;[ ke t;snhq% orqan mo®azoua‘% cbaza\a\toua‘ Ga[tniqn;r ;n spasoum lou‘oumi ardar!
Douq ];x famaroum hq axg;r xargaza‘ Axg;r% or t;[;ak hq o[= kataroua‘in% Axg;r% or npast;ziq wa\rag gaxanin Bar]razn;lou soure fa\ouj;an gl.in!
Asazh*q .ndr;m o#ur ;n m;r 'a\loun :u lousayayanc yakatn;re la\n% Or a\sør ardhn asoupn;r dar]a‘ M;x \i,;znoum ;n ;[;®ne davan!
zanqin famar ant;soua‘ ;nq% fala‘oua‘% angosnoua‘! M;r fin patmicn;re anardarørhn m;xi datapartouj;an siunin ke ga- m;n m;r cgor‘a‘ m;[q;roun fa- mar! Izi@u jh \i,hin m;r m;[q;re ;u ardaraznhin ir;nz .øsq;re!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% or a®anz farzou'or]i Go[goja\ a®a=nor- dou;zanq ou 'o['o[ou;zanq! O*c mhk dat ou datawyi®! Amhnqe% a®anz baza®ouj;an% \ø,otou;- zan gor, Ga\lin ko[mh! Wasn m;r inqnouj;an ou fauatqin% fala- ‘ou;zanq ou q,ou;zanq Thr Xø- r;r% ourkh ckar w;radar]% a\l kar mia\n^ sarsa' ou anagoro\n maf!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% or coun;- zanq da,nakiz axg;r% or ghj m;r krønakzouj;an famar øgnou- j;an 'ouja\in ;u axathin m;x sto\g korousth!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% or fala- ‘ou;zanq m,taphs% faroua‘ou;- zanq an.na\ørhn% kotorou;zanq birtørhn% ba\z ;rb;q kang ca®inq k;anqi qa®ou[iin wra\! Oun;zanq \stak npatakaou[- [oua‘oujiun% qa=abar ,arouna- k;zinq m;r srbaxan a®aq;lou- jiune% ;u 'ara‘ mnazinq m;r baro\akan famoxoumn;roun^ qa= gitakz;low or w;r=nakan \a[- janake m;rn h!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% or dar;rou 'o,in;roun mh=hn qala‘ ;nq% wara‘ anfauasar mart;r ou ya,aka‘^ w;r=alo\sn;r% saka\n m;r fog;warqin mh=% \ankar‘% ;rkna\in fra,qow% w;r \a®na‘ ;nq qa=abar ;u ,arounaka‘ m;r ou[in anwfatørhn! Fa\ou fogin anpart;li h% fambour;li! Irøq or mo.irn;rhn \aroujiun a®a‘ axg ;nq&&&!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% oroun o[ b;rgakan h=;re nkaragr;lou famar a®at m;lan fosa‘ h! Oc oq d;®;us ch krza‘ safmanag‘;l taro[oujiune fa\oun w,tin! Sar;r laza‘ ;n anor wi,te ou ]or;r^ ar]aganga‘ anor bo[oqe! Saka\n% ]a\n barba®o\ \anapa- ti&&&% wasnxi oc oq ounkndra‘ h m;r ardar ]a\ne! Mardkoujiune \ogna‘ ou ]an]raza‘ h m;r anw;r= gangate ls;lh!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% or a[øja‘ ;nq m;xi ato[n;roun ou fala‘o[- n;roun% fandourva‘^ oso.i far- ua‘n;roun% n;ra‘ anor .vdvou- jiunn;re% tokaza‘^ aspatakou- jiunn;re% wa\ragoujiunn;re! La- uago\ne zankaza‘ ;nq øtarin% \o®;go\ne^ fn]a‘% carago\ne^ t;- sa‘ ou&&& l®a‘% n;ra‘% fandourva‘!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% or dar;- row anzanq end four ;u end =our% ko'ou;zanq% dar]anq carqa,% ykoun% tokoun! Qarin touinq k;anq% va\®in^ ];u! >opan fo[in .a®n;low qrtinq% anor touinq^ k;ndanoujiun% argasiq! M;r baxouki faroua‘in tak fasak a®in ,q;[ qa[aqn;r% ,inou;zan giu[;r% auann;r% \ou,ar]ann;r% kojo[n;r! K;rt;zinq ma\r fa\r;-
niq ;u ,hnzouzinq no\nisk øtari fo[e^ anapate w;ra‘;low apa- ti!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% or \;t baxoum mafab;r 'or]oujiunn;- rou ;u a[htn;rou% d;®;us ke go- \at;u;nq xarmanali k;nsouna- kouj;amb ou og;uorouj;amb! Cka\ a,.arfi wra\ oc mhk ouv or =n=h ou \auht korst;an mat- nh a\s 'oqrik jiuow axge! A\s axatashr ou dimazkoun% imas- toun ou .ofoun axge ir go\ou- jiune ke parti ir anenky;li kamqin ou anpart;li ogiin!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq or amhn tari April amsin piti ou.- t;nq ,arounak april ou apr;z- n;l% mafouan 'o.arhn k;anq ,norf;l ou am;nour;q k;ndanou- jiun parg;u;l% m;r n;rka\ou- j;amb^ ‘a[k;zn;l% m;r fanyari ouvow^ st;[‘;l noranor arvhqn;r ou zo\z tal fama\n a,.arfin or lok drakan gor‘;row kar;li h anmafanal% isk s;u ouve ørest- ørh ke mafana\ ir carouj;an patya®ow!
M;nq a\n axgn ;nq% or coun;- zau :r;mian;r or o[ ba\in m;r zaue% ta®apanqe% .acakroujiu- ne% ani‘;al mafe% ;u matnazo\z enhin m;r cgor‘a‘ \anzanqe ;u ann;r;li m;[qe!
I#nc kariq kar saka\n :r;- mian;r oun;nalou% ;rb m;r am- bo[= lalafa®ac mat;nagirn;rhn o[ b ke kardanq ou arzounq ke t;sn;nq! M;r patmicn;re m;r axgin lok da®n ou srtatocor patmoujiune gri a®a‘ ;n^ xanz a®n;low m;r s.ragor‘oujiun- n;re% pan‘ali h=;re% fparta®ij ;r;uo\jn;re!
Ard% fark i w;ra\ m;r ka\ m;r mh=hn fan;lou lousauor dhmq;r% or piti gan gow;rg;lou fa\ou arvaniqn;re% pa\‘a®azn;lou anor dimagi‘e \acs fama\n a,- .arfi!
A\s axge% stougaphs% kang piti ca®nh oc mhk joumbi a®a=% piti cenkrki% cwfati! An ir \a- u;rvakan ;rje piti ,arounakh m;‘ wy®akanouj;amb ou anw;- f;rouj;amb% wasnxi anor mta- ‘oumn;re ;u gor‘;re bari ;n% mardasirakan% ardiunab;r% øg- takar! |i,;l h phtq% or barin m,tn=;nakan go\oujiun h!
Ard% our;mn% jo[ oc oq c\an- dgni a\souf;t;u sour bar]razn;l m;r sourb axgi wra\% kotor;l ou 'yazn;l m;x! >acatour Abow;an i xour cesau^ aHd o#um wra\ hq jour qa,oum! Fa\ m;‘ axgin mi#jh chq yanacoumo!
Fa\oun n;rka\oujiune am;nou- r;q a,.arfi wra\ jo[ ella\ 'nt®oua‘ ørf noujiun% ;u oc^ anh‘q% famak baroujiun% ;u oc ;rb;q^ caroujiun!
Jo[ m;r biurauor Nafatak- n;roun \i,atake anmar mna\ m;r fogin;roun mh=!
Jo[ ardarouj;an ar;gake ‘agi Fa\oz wra\ ;u ,o[,o[a\ anor ;rknakamarin!
|i,atakn ardaroz j;amb ;[izi!
ørf nou-
NOR ØR% FING, 2014
Øsman;an ka®awaroujiune sksa‘ ir skx b- nauoroumiz war;l h ir tirap;touj;an tak gtnouo[ qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;ri bna=n=- man ;u ]oulman qa[aqakanoujiun! A\s qa- [aqakanouj;an irakanazman famar na dim;l h tarb;r mi=ozn;ri!
A\s mi=ozn;riz mhkn hr d;w,irmhn! D;w- ,irmhi npatakn hr fauaq;l qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;ri t[an;rin ;u dastiarak;l mousoulmanakan ogow ou dar]n;l jourqakan banaki xinouorn;r% oronq phtq h k®ouhin% phtq h ocncaznhin fhnz a\n axg;rin% oron- ziz nranq s;r;l hin!
Mat;nagroua‘ a®a=in t[a\afauaqi ta- r;jiue famaruoum h 1395j% jh;u fauanakan h% or nman fauaqn;r ;[;l ;n au;li wa[!
D;w,irmhn irakanazuoum hr ;nic;rakan xøramasi a[a\i pafan=ow! Na namak hr ou[arkoum souljanin% ore ir f;rjin frata- rakoum hr \atouk frowartak^fiunq!
T[a\afauaqi famar entruoum hin am;na- a®o[=% am;nag;[;zik t[an;rin! Entr;low s;roundn;riz am;nalau;rin^ nranq joulaz- noum hin fpatak vo[owourdn;ri n;ro\ve% oronq karo[ hin \;taga\oum da®nal a®a=- nord! Sa kar;li h famar;l ®axmawaroujiun% orow jourq;re 'or]oum hin kan.;l \;ta- ga\oum qriston;an;ri apstamboujiunn;re!
Est ;uropakan a[ biurn;ri entruoum hin 5-12 tar;kan ;r;.an;re% ba\z jourqakan a[biurn;re talis ;n 12-20!
Entr;low za‘r tariqi ouv;[ ou g;[;zik t[an;rin^ nranq 'or]oum hin st;[‘;l ouv;[ ;u orak;al mardo\v% ore ke ‘a®a\i øsman;an ka\srouj;ane lauago\n k;rpow! Bazi draniz nranq qriston;an;rin joulaznoum ou xrkoum hin a®a=nordo[ ouviz!
Qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;ri ,arqoum d;w- ,irmhin h ;njarkou;l na;u fa\ vo[owourde% ore ,at bazasakan ardiunqn;r h oun;z;l m;r vo[owrdi k;anqoum!
Mankafauaqe fa\kakan nafangn;roum sks;l h au;li ou, ;u katarou;l h au;li qic qan Balkann;roum! Qani or a\st;[ m;‘ jouow mafm;dakan z;[;r hin aproum ;u nranz ]ouloume m;‘ =anq;r chr pafan=oum!
Saka\n \;taga\ tarin;rin fa\ vo[owour- de ;njarkou;l h ,at au;li davan kttanq- n;ri! Souljan Famidi vamanaka,r=anoum^ 19-rd dari w;r=oum% irakanazou;z fa\ vo[owrdi a®a=in m;‘ =arde% a\nouf;t;u t;[i oun;zau ;ritjourq;ri kaxmak;rpa‘ 1909 j& Adana\i =arde! Isk ardhn a®a=in fama,.arfa\in pat;raxmi vamanak ira- kanazou;z fa\ vo[owrdi M;‘ :[;®ne% ori vamanak møt 1%5 milion fa\ ban=n=ou;z!
Fa\ vo[owrdi t;[afanman ;u ocncazman vamanak ,at fa\ ;r;.an;r mnazin orb ou anthr! :ritjourqakan ka®awaroujiune oro,;z% or a\s ;r;.an;re phtq h bavanou;n mafm;dakan entaniqn;rin kam st;[‘;l \a- touk mankatn;r ;u t;[auor;l a\s ;r;.an;- rin! Saka\n a\s amhne mardasirakan gor- ‘ounhoujiun chr% a\l fa\ vo[owrdi fimnowin ocncazman qa[aqakanoujiun!
Cbauararou;low fa\ vo[owrdi spandow^ jourqakan ka®awaroujiune dim;z au;li stor qa\l;ri! Na sks;z a®;uang;l orb ;u an- gam oc orb manoukn;rin ;u bavan;l mafm;- dakan entaniqn;rin% incphs na;u t;[auor;l ir st;[‘a‘ orbanozn;roum! Sranow w;r=- nakanaphs zankanoum hr ocnzazn;l ou ]oul;l fa\ vo[owrdin!
Kan 'ast;r% oronq jo\l ;n talis .øs;l orb fa\ ;r;.an;riz kaxmoua‘ Øsman;an ka®a- warouj;an w;r=in ;u Jourqia\i fanrap;- touj;an a®a=in ;nic;rn;ri masin! |a\tni h% or jourq t.raf®cak xørawar Qaxim Ka-
rab;qire% ar;u;l;an yakatoum% fauaq;low orb% antoun fa\ ;r;.an;rin% nranz talis hr ®axmakan baxmako[mani krjoujiun% incphs na;u dastiarakoum jourqakan moli ogow! A\s ;r;.an;riz \;taga\oum kaxmauoruoum h a\sphs kocoua‘ agiurgouxl;r ørdousouo (am- rakaxmn;ri banak) xøramiauoroume!
Jourqakan a[ biurn;roum Qaxim Karab;- qiri qa\l;re n;rka\azuoum ;n% jh na 'rk;l ou ousouzoum h tou;l fa\ orb;rin! Saka\n sa 'rkman kam mardasirakan m[oum ci oun;z;l! Na a\s mi=ozow 'or];l h jourqazn;l ou isla- mazn;l fa\ manoukn;rin!
Øsman;an ka®awaroujiune ‘no[n;rin kor- zra‘ ;u anthr mnaza‘ fa\ manoukn;rin fa- uaqoum hr ;u bavanoum hr mafm;dakan en-
taniqn;rin! A\s masin øsman;an a[biurn;- roum pafpanou;l h \atouk frowartak^ joua- groua‘ 10 |oulisi 1915 j&! Sranoum n,uoum h% or a\s ;r;.an;re \an]nuoum ;n mafm;dakan entaniqn;rin a\n pa\manow% or nranz troui mafm;dakan krjoujiun% incphs na;u nranz phtq h zrhin a\npisi t;[;r% ort;[ fa\;r cka\in!
Saka\n a\s gor‘enjazqoum bauakanin m;‘ d;r h .a[az;l ;u =anq;r gor‘adr;l na;u jourq fasarakouj;an la\n ,r=ann;re! Fa\oz z;[aspanouj;an tarin;rin jourq;re ;u qrd;re a®;uang;l ;u .l;l ;n fa\ manoukn;- rin ;u islamazr;l! Jourqakan ka®awarou- jiune% ckaro[analow v.t;l a\s 'aste% a\n n;rka\azr;l h ibr abar;goujo jourq;re 'rk;l ;n fa\ ;r;.an;rin!
Ba\z ;[;l ;n dhpq;r% ;rb fa\ ga[jakan- n;re mta‘;low% or ir;nq d;® \;t ;n da®- nalou% ir;nz ;r;.an;rin \an]n;l ;n ir;nz mousoulman drkizn;rin!
Fa\ ;r;.an;ri b®ni islamazman ;u jour- qazman gor‘oum m;‘ d;r ;n .a[az;l ka®a- warouj;an ko[miz st;[‘oua‘ orbanozn;re!
Incphs jourq;rn ;n asoum% ga[ji vama- nak orb;ri jiue gnalow m;‘anoum hr! Est a\d vamanakoua\ ga[jakanouj;an farz;- row warcouj;an ko[miz troua‘ t;[;kouj;an% oro,ou;z sar;roum% giu[;ri 'latakn;roum% yanaparfn;rin ;u a\lour orb ou anthr mnaza‘ manoukn;rin fauaq;l ibr 'rkman npatakow! :u qani or nraz jiue gnalow ,atanoum hr% oro,ou;z marx;roum st;[‘;l orbanozn;r ;u a\nt;[ t;[auor;l fa\ orb;rin!
A\s orbanozn;riz \i,atakman arvani h aA\n jourao orbanoze% ore gtnuoum hr Libananoum ;u ;[;l hr na.kinoum ;k;[;zi! A\s orbanoze st;[‘uoum h t.raf®cak +;mal 'a,a\i =anq;row! A\s orbanozoum ka\in fa\% qourd ;u jourq ;r;.an;r% ort;[ kaxma- k;rpou;l hr nranz pafoume ;u ousouzoume!
Oro, a[ biurn;ri fama]a\n a\st;[ kar 1200 ;r;.a\% oronziz 1000 ;[;l ;n fa\% isk mnaza‘e jourq ;u qourd! Isk Falidh Hdi'e% ore ;[;l h ir enk;rn;ri f;t a\s dprozi ousouzic% ir \ou,;roum n,oum h 800 jiue!
Falidh Hdi'e ;u +;mal 'a,an amo[=owin m;rv;l ;n a\n% or a\d orbanozoum fa\ ;r;- .an;rin 'or];l ;n jourqazn;l ;u islamazn;l!
Falidh Hdi'e as;l h% or% m;‘ =anq;row fauaq;low zirouzan ;[a‘ fa\ ;u qourd orb;- rin% nranz 'rk;l ;n ou axat;l ,at dvouarou- jiunn;riz% incphs na;u v.t;l h am;rikazi misionarn;ri a\n t;[;koujiunn;re% or fa\ ;r;.an;rin jourqazn;lou npatak h ;[;l!
Saka\n a\s orbanozi miak npatakn h ;[;l jourqazn;l ;u islamazn;l fa\ ;r;.an;rin! A\st;[ fa\ ;r;.an;rin trou;l ;n jourqkan anounn;r ;u islami das;r! Sra masin ;n wka\oum mi qani manoukn;ri troua‘ anoun- n;re^ |aroujiun Nayar;an _ Famid Naxim% Pø[os M;rdan;an _ B;kim Moufamad% Sargis Sara`;an _ Sa`wad Soulh\man! Incphs na;u kan 'ast;r oronq wka\oum ;n islami das;ri masin& fa\ manoukn;rin stipoum hin øre fing angam namax katar;l ;u amhn ;r;ko\ ;rg;l a:rkar k;anq +;mal 'a,a\ino ;rge!
A\s orbanozoum ;[;l ;n afauor pa\man;r% ori f;t;uanqow møt 300 fa\ ;r;.a\ h mafaz;l% oronz wa®;l ;n mankatan \;t;ui bakoum!
Ousoumnasir;low tarb;r a[biurn;r% \angoum ;nq nran% or jourqakan ka®awaroujiune s k s a ‘ i r s k x b n a u o r o u mi z % i r a k a n a z r ;l h tarb;r mi=ozn;r fa\ vo[owrdi islamazman% jourqazman ;u bna=n=man famar!
:r;uan% Fa\astani Fanrap;toujiun
Fa\ orb;re aA\in jourao orbanozoum
D;w,irmh-n apan‘azno[o ormnankar Jo'qa'e-i palatoum
Qaxim Karab;qir
|ordanane ouni patmouj;nhn va®angoua‘ m,akouja\in bax- majiu arvhqn;r% oronq kou gan farstazn;lou ;rkrin qa[aqakr- joujiune% incphs na;u^ bnouji- une% t;sarann;rn ou t;sarvan wa\r;re! Jh;u a\s t;sarann;- roun mh= kan anapata\in ba- vinn;re% ba\z na;u ka\ atkh dours ;ko[ g;[;zkoujiune% or j;r;us krna\ nkatouil acoro ;u amiapa[a[o% ba\z .orqin mh= apro[ wka\oujiun h! A\s wka- \oujiunn;roun kargin kan na;u astoua‘a,ncakan ;njafo[h ;ka‘ irawiyakn;r% oronq iura- qanciur a\z;lou ke dn;n a\d irakanoujiunn;rou dhm \andi- man^ mhk ko[mh gøt;pnd;low fa- uatqe% mius ko[mh^ arvhqe!
F;taqrqrakan h M;®;al ‘owe dit;l ibr;u |ordanani a\d g;- [;zik irakanouj;an mhk anba- van;li masnike! Ch# or mafouan ou k;anqin% jhkoux fakasakan faskazo[oujiunn;roun mh= kan irarou ba.o[ ;u ,at angam na;u irarou ,a[kapoua‘ irawi- yakn;r% oronq kou gan ambo[=az- n;lou mardoun ;u anor patmou- j;an folowo\jn;re! A\s iraka- nouj;nhn m;kna‘^ kar;li h baza- troujiun gtn;l ‘owoun am;®;alo kocou;loun% ;rb anor g;[;zkou- jiune w;r h amhn kaska‘h! Ka\ na;u au;lin& anika ke kocoui na;u aA[i ‘owo% isk a[e ouri, ban ch% ;jh oc^ k;anqi n,an&&&
Ba\z M;®;al ‘owoun mh= ke fosi na;u a\l k;ndani irakanou- jiun me^ |ordanan g;te&&&! |or- danan g;tin a®ncoua‘ h ast- ua‘a,nc;an ;u qristonhakan m,ako\jin mhk m;‘ ou kar;uor irakanoujiune^ fon mkrtou;zau Qristos&&& Baxmajiu ;n ou.ta- uorn;re^ \atouk npatakow a\z;- loun;r kam xbøsa,r=ikn;r% dhpi |ordanan g;tin ;rkou ko[m;re& ba\z na;u anor fandipakaz tara‘qin ,r=aka\qe kan qris- tonhakan tarb;r fama\nqn;rou patkano[ ;k;[;zin;r ;u ;k;[;- zakan ,hnq;r% oronq ka®ouzoua‘ ;n p;takan artønouj;amb ;u framanagirow^ ,r=anin qris-
tonhakan m,ako\ji irakanou- jiune au;li ;us amrapnd;low! A\d ;k;[;zin;roun ,arqin h na;u fa\kakane& fos ke sksi fa\oun ;u im fpartoujiuns!
I#nc fpartouj;an masin h .øsqe&&&
Fpartoujiun^ qristonhoujiu- ne p;takanørhn yancza‘ a®a- =in vo[owourde ellalou ;u qris- tonhakan m,ako\jin mh=^ fama,- .arfa\in ;u n;raxga\in% m;‘ ou gor‘øn andradar] oun;za‘ el- lalou% ba\z na;u ka\ a\l fpar- toujiun me ;us&&& Ba\z ,arouna- k;lh a®a= phtq h banal 'aka- gi‘ me!
Ch# or |ordanani mh= ka\ fa\- kakan 'oqr ga[ouj me^ ,our= 3000 anfat fa,ouo[% ouni mhk 'oqrik fa\kakan na.akrjaran% ;rkou ;k;[;zi% qani me m,akou- ja\in% bar;sirakan ;u marxa- kan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r&&& Ba\z ch# or 'oqr ga[oujn;re data- partoua‘ ;n am;®n;louo% ch# or m;r axga\in ;u famas'iu®q;an w;rlou‘oumn;roun mh= ka\ na;u 'or]a®oujiune^ wy®;lou% jh aph#tq h \ognil ;u mta‘;lo anonz kargawiyakin masin% manauand or anonq krnan aragørhn w;r=anal! "akagi‘e 'ak;lh a®a= arvh fastat;l% or fpar- toujiune inqnin a\n irakanou- j;an mh= h% jh fa\kakan a'oqro ga[ouje gitza‘ ;u krza‘ h ir t;[e oun;nal qristonhakan ;u patmam,akouja\in arvhq n;r- ka\azno[ |ordanan g;ti en- dar]ak ;rka\nqin^ fandisanalow fa\kakan irakanoujiun me^ tar- b;r ;k;[;zin;rou ko[qin! Sourb Karap;t ;k;[;zin ka®ouzoua‘ h Toqj& Karø Karap;t;ani \i,a- takin famar kataroua‘ noui- ratououj;amb!
kam am;®n;lou ;njaka\o ellalou 'or]a®oujiunn;re ;u apr;low no\nisk M;®;al ‘owou tara‘qin!
Faka®ak 'oqr ellaloun% |or- danani fa\kakan ga[ouje ouni ir ,arounakouo[ patmoujiune!
aAmhn t;sak yig i gor‘ ke dn;nq% orphsxi fa\kakan m;r m,akouja\in arvhqn;re amour paf;nqo% k*esh N;rshs N;rshs;an^ ga[ouji gor‘øn andamn;rhn min% oroun k;anqin fimqe ir a,.a- tanqa\in asparhxin ko[qin fa\kakan irakanoujiunn h! Inq ou ir gor‘akizn;re fama.mboua‘ ;n ;k;[;zi-mioujiun-akoumb ;r- rordouj;an ,our= ;u kar‘hq f;u- qi mh= ;n^ paf;lou fa\oun wka- \oujiunn ou anor apro[ irawi- yake!
April 24-in a\d ,r=anin mh= gtnouils jh;u parxaphs xouga- dipoujiun hr% saka\n a\s ira- kanoujiune au;liow fastat;z mh=s ga[oujin apro[ wka\ouji- un ellalou iro[oujiune& ardar;u% no\nqan ;u au;li qa=al;rakan hr t;sn;l ;ritasardn;roun mas- nakzoujiune m,akouja\in ;u fa\kakan k;anqin^ xa\n a®au;l ;us amrapnd;lou mitoumow!
Tara‘oua‘ ;nq a,.arfow mhk% irakanoujiun me% or m;r kamqow chr! Patmouj;an st;[‘a‘ as;u yakatagiron h asika% or kar- ‘hq adambani mrourow groua‘o
ella\! A\s 'or]a®oujiune m;r patmoujiune jaj.;z ariunow% isk ariunhn ;tq tir;z kotora- koua‘ irawiyak! Ba\z ka\ no\ninqn a\s ariunaqam ;u ko- torakoua‘ patmouj;an 'or]in wka\oujiune% or fa\oun aapro[o irakanoujiunn h! aM;®;alo ira- wiyakn;rou mh=hn^ aapro[o ira- kanoujiune% jh^ patmouj;an amhnhn davan ør;roun isk fa\e gitzau aaprilo ;u a\s aapr;louo irakanoujiune xinq faszouz a\s ørouan! |ordanani wka\oujiune a\s apro[ irakanouj;an mhk 'oqr arta\a\toujiunn h! A\s wka\oujiunn;re phtq h qa=al;rh fa\e% orphsxi mta‘h ou gor‘h adrakano mjnolortow ;u fa\;- zakhtow! Drakan fa\;zakhtow h% or kar;li piti ella\ tara- ‘oua‘ ;u kotorakoua‘ aapro[o irakanoujiunn;re fama.mb;l^ st;[‘;lou famar famafa\kakan adrakan ouvoe! Iskaphs k*arvh fauatal drakan ouvin iro[a- kanouj;an ;u karo[akanouj;an!
Ba\z mi,t ka\ farzoum me% na;u anor f;t inqxinq parta- dro[ partakanoujiun me! O#w ;u incph#s phtq h a,.ati^ a\s dra- kan ouvin st;[‘man i .ndir!
Nikosia% Kipros
NOR ØR% FING, 2014
smanzin;ri j;ladranqow% dar];al lour= nouayo[akan npatakn;r hr f;tapndoum!
Fa\astani fanrap;touj;an ka®awaroujiune kam;zau {ara- ba[oum angliakan misia\in kiz oun;nal ir m,takan n;rka\azouzi- ce ibr;u kapi spa^ y,grit in`ormazia stanalou famar Fa\astani a\d endar]ak gaua®oum t;[i oun;zo[ iradar]oujiunn;ri masin! G;n;ral Korin% saka\n% m;rv;z^ ankati oun;nalow a®a=arkoua‘ j;kna‘oui anfayo\ qa[aqakan famoxmounqn;re&&&o!
Souljanowi kar‘;z;al \a=o[oujiunn;re {araba[oum^ m;‘ og;- uoroujiun hr a®a= b;r;l Paqoui ka®awarouj;an ;u endfanraphs jourqakan ,r=ann;roum!
Afa inc hr groum a\d a®jiu Fa\astani diuanagitakan n;r- ka\azouzice Atrph\yanoum^ Wrastani fa\kakan n;rka\azouzcin ir 1919 j& |ounisi 26-i grouj;an mh=!
a&&&Jourq;ri tramadroujiune ,at bar]r h& est ;r;uo\jin {ara- ba[i farze nranq w;r=nakanaphs lou‘oua‘ ;n famaroum! Lour= na.apatrastoujiunn;r ;n t;snuoum Xang;xouri dhm ;u% incphs wka\oum ;n pa®lam;nti fa\ andamn;re% Souljanowe angam Fa\as- tani ka®awarouj;an dhm ®axmakan gor‘o[oujiunn;r sks;louz ci .ousa';l% orphsxi mi angam endmi,t w;r= ta\ {araba[i kny®ot farzin! Souljanowi a\s ®axmat;nc tramadroujiune [;kawaro[ ,r=ann;roum ko[mnakizn;r ;u drouato[n;r ouni&&& N;rka\ pa\man- n;re nranq ir;nz famar npastauor ;n famaroumo!
Fa\astani artaqin gor‘;ri ministr S& Tigran;ane "arixi fa\kakan patouirakouj;ann ou[arka‘ \ou,agroum asoum hr& aAnd- rkowkasi jrqoujiune a\vm% britanakan xøraframanatarouj;an ørow% au;li npastauor pa\mann;ri mh= h gtnuoum% qan g;rmana- taykakan \a[jakan økoupazia\i vamanak &&&Amhn ko[miz m;x ,r=apat;l h jrqakan wtange% spa®nakan ;u \andougn! M;r qa- [aqakan ‘ragrin faka®ak^ Jourqian a®a= h tanoum ir ‘ragr;re Fa\astani w;rab;rmamb% oronz mh= fa\ tarri `ixikakan bna- =n=oume fimnakan ;u hakan khtn h fandisanoum% ;u m;nq ocinc grauakan ;u wstafoujiun coun;nq% jh angliakan framanatarou- jiune zankoujiun ouni m;x 'rk;lou a\d wtangiz% ore krknoum ;m ou pndoum% a\sør hl irakan h ;u spa®nakan oc pakas% qan amisn;r a®a=o! :u% \iraui% Atrph\yani agr;siu nouayo[akan gor‘o[oujiun- n;ri famar st;[‘ou;l hin ,at au;li npastauor pa\mann;r% qan mi tari a®a= hr% 1918 jouin% Øsman;an jourq;ri vamanak% 1919 jouin fangamanqn;re 'o.ou;l hin! Fa\;ri ada,nakizo jomsonn;re a\s angam kangna‘ hin oc mia\n Atrph\yani% a\l a®fasarak ambo[= Andrkowkasi mousoulmanouj;an jikounqoum!
m;r ;r;.an;rin% as;low% jh fa\;re ];x ke kotor;n&&& nranq (anglia- zin;re) githin% jh inc piti lini ;u ;jh zankana\in% karo[ hin kan.;lo!
A.oundowi zouzmounqi miako[manioujiune nranoumn hr% or na% fauanørhn wa.iz% .ousa';l hr matnan,;l na;u oyragor‘oujiunn;ri 'astakan kaxmak;rpcin ;u og;,nco[in^ doktor Souljanowin! Farzaqnnouj;an ;njarkoua‘ baxmajiu an];riz (fa\ ;u mousoulman) mia\n Atrph\yanoum ‘a®a\o[ ;rkou ‘a.oua‘ ®ous span;r^ Al;q- sandr Pawlowic Maqsimow ;u Dmitri Al;qsandrowic
Pa®lam;ntakan komisian ,ou,;zi fa\;riz staz;l hr 40-iz au;li dimoumn;r qa[aqi mousoulmanakan masoum ir;nz faraxatn;ri spanouj;an kam yanaparfn;rin ask;rn;ri% qocouorn;ri ;u a®an- ]in xinoua‘ mousoulmann;ri ko[miz b®noujiunn;ri ;njarkou;lou masin! |ounis;an wa\ragoujiunn;re {araba[oum .or xa\ro\j hin a®a= b;r;l na;u {araba[iz dours fa\ fasarakakan ,r=ann;roum! Bo[oqi baxmamard miting t;[i oun;zaw Ji`lisoum banast;[‘ |owfannhs Jouman;ani na.agafouj;amb% our ;lo\jn;r oun;zan na;u {araba[iz artaqsoua‘ gor‘icn;re!
Bo[oqi mi ,arq vo[own;r ou mitingn;r t;[i oun;zan na;u :r;- uanoum% isk [araba[zin;ri ou xang;xourzin;ri Ji`lisi Fa\r;nak- zakan Mioujiune \ounis;an dhpq;ri a®jiu dim;z Andrkowkasi bri- tanakan xinoua‘ ouv;ri framanatarin% bo[oq;low atrph\yanakan xørq;ri ;u bandan;ri wa\ragoujiunn;ri dhm ou m;[adr;low bri- tanakan n;rka\azouzicn;rin a\d dhpq;ri famar! aA\d \ar]akoume anspas;li chr ;u f;t;uanq hr Atrph\yani ka®awarouj;an {ara- ba[e nouay;lou famar wara‘ prowokazion qa[aqakanouj;ano% asoua‘ hr dimoumi mh=! Apa .ndruoum hr ghj draniz \;to\ kar- gadr;l^ dours b;r;lou {araba[iz atrph\yanakan xinoua‘ ouv;re ;u angliakan g;n;ral-nafangap;toujiun fimn;l {araba[oum!
A\d bo[oqn;re% saka\n% anzan apardiun! Da,nakiz p;toujiun- n;re or;uh mi=ozi cdim;zin j;j;uazn;lou fa\kakan {araba[i wi- yake% xsp;lou Atrph\yani baza\a\t xaujo[akan hqspansian kam ghj w;r= dn;lou {araba[oum ;u Paquoum gor‘o[ angliakan fra- manatarouj;an n;rka\azouzicn;ri fakafa\ ga[tni kam akn;r;u prowokazion san]ar]akoujiunn;rin! Endfaka®ake% au;li ou au;li ‘anrazau {araba[i endfanour wiyake! Wtangou;z na;u Siuniqi fa\a,at gaua®n;ri droujiune% oronz nkatmamb Atrph\yane%
(Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)
THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 29
touj;an mh= ir ;rrord ousouz- cakan fangrouane (1961-hn 1963) baza®ik ,r=an me dar]au jh* warvaranin ;u jh* .oumb me ousano[n;rou famar! Faka®ak or ir;n wstafoua‘ hin ;rkra- ca'ouj;an anfrapo\r das;re ;u ;rkou paf al% tarrakan fog;ba- noujiun% an bnakan dastiarakn hr fa\;rhn grakanouj;an! A®anz dasaranin mh= ousouza- n;lou% dasaranhn dours an \a- =o[;zau m;‘ jiuow ousano[n;r m[;l dhpi grakanoujiunn ou arou;stn;re! aA\go ousano[akan g;[;zik parb;raj;rje ;rkrord ‘nound me apr;zau% oroun mas- nakiz dar]ouz xgali jiuow t[aq ;u a[=ikn;r!
Maw;anin k*a®a=arkoui 1963-in 'o.adrouil Lixpon% "orjoukal% da®nalou aGaloust Kiulphnk;an Fimnarkouj;ano fa\kakan bav- ni warcouj;an andam ;u gra- s;n;aki ,r=oun gor‘ic!
>andawa® hr Maw;an ir;n a®a=arkoua‘ pa,tønow% orow- f;t;u baxmajiu a\z;loujiunn;- rou enjazqin an piti ‘anøja- nar s'iu®qafa\ ga[jøya.n;rou ka®o\zn;roun ou manauand fon gor‘o[ krjakan fastatoujiun- n;roun ;u st;[‘agor‘o[ mtauo- rakann;roun! Qsan tarin;r an b‘a.ndrørhn ;u fmtørhn war;z ir pa,tøne% bar]r wark me apafow;low Kiulphnk;an Fim- narkin!
Lixpon fastatou;lhn ;tq% ir pa,tønin ko[qin an la\n vama- nak ke tramadrh grakan st;[- ‘agor‘ouj;anz ou 1965-in lo\s ke t;snh ar]ak ir a®a=in fa- tore% aFA|OU B:KORN:Ro .ora- grow! A \s fratarakoujiune Maw;ane piti dar]nhr s'iu®- qafa\ grakanouj;an vamana- kakiz yanczoua‘ dhmqi me! Va- manak me ;tq a\s fatore ar- vanazau ;rkrord tpagrouj;an% 1987-in!
Kiulphnk;an Fimnarkin møt Maw;ani pa,tønawaroujiune
k ar ;l i h b n o u j a g r ;l or p h s ar,alo\si me ‘agoume ousoum- nat;nc fa\ t[oz ;u a[=ikn;roun famar% orowf;t;u Maw;an ka- r;uor ke nkathr anonz krja- jo,akn;rou ba,.oume% orphsxi anonq katar;lagor‘hin ir;nz bar]rago\n ousoume!
Kiulphnk;an Fimnarkouj;an npaste m;‘ ;[au manauand s'iu®qafa\ warvarann;roun ;u krjakan ‘ragirn;roun% ,norfiu% Maw;anin! Fa\astani mh= na;u kar;li ;[au iragor‘;l krjakan ou bar;sirakan ‘ragirn;r! Maw;ani ];®q b;ra‘ vo[owr- dakanoujiune au;li bnoro, dar- ]au% ;rb an stan]n;z Fimnar- kouj;an fa\kakan bavni 'o. tnørhni pa,tøne!
Ba.tauor tari me dar]au 1977 jouakane% ;rb an ir f®cak- ua‘ amouriouj;an w;r= touau% k;anqi enk;r entr;low "arix fastatoua‘ Ph\rouji ‘anøj axga\inn;rhn |owfannhs Ga- sary;ani doustre% Iwone!
Ko[akize a®a=in ørhn isk qa- =al;r fandisazau Waframi kou- taka‘ ar.iua\in fauaqa‘o\in dasauoroumin% or tarin;rh i w;r Maw;an krza‘ hr mhkt;[;l%
n;ra®;al% fnatip ou faxoua- giut fratarakoujiunn;r ir;nz makagroujiunn;row% oronzmh ,a- t;re 18-19-rd dar;rou frata- rakoujiunn;r ;[a‘ ;n!
AZO{ FOGIN:Ro entranin% 1977-in% Maw;ani ar]akhn mhkt;[oua‘ gor‘;row! S'iu®qi mh= ir bolor girq;re tpagroua‘ ;n :rousa[hmi pa- triarqarani tparanin mh=% our at;n me ke gtnouhr ir;n mt;- rim ;u wstaf;li mtauorakan bar;kame% Ara\ Gala\y;ane!
Maw;ani k;anqe dvba.tabar ;rkar piti ct;uhr% orowf;t;u 1983-i |ounouari 11-in srti xørauor tagnapi me patya®ow% Lixponi mh=% Maw;an ke mafa- nar 57 tar;kanin% ankatar ]g;low ir grakan st;[‘agor- ‘oujiune!
Antip piti mna\in karg me a,.atoujiunn;r% oronz kargin 25-30 banast;[‘oujiunn;r% m;‘ jiuow jargmanoujiunn;r% oronq at;nin lo\s t;s;r hin Ph\rouji aNa\irio ,abajaj;rjin mh= ;u manauand% aFa\kakan Pa[;s- tineo .oragrow anauart whpe!
M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Gar;gin B& W;fa'a®in oro,oumow% 1993-in lo\s t;sau 760 h= ‘aualow ou aAMBO{+AKAN :RK:Ro .ora- grow Maw;ani gor‘;re% .mba- grouj;amb Grigor
storagroua‘ arvhqauor ;u lour= |a®a=abanow ou Grigor
Wafram Maw;ani grakan fa- roust va®angoujiune o[=oun;li na.a];®nouj;ambe tikno=% Iwo- nin% oro,ou;zau ir ambo[=ou- j;ambe t;[a'o.;l Fa\astan% :r;uani :[i,h Car;nzi anouan grakanouj;an ;u arou;sti jangaran! A\s 'o.adroujiune iragor‘ou;zau ;rkou fangrouan- n;row% min% 2007 |oulisin% ;rb 574 fator fa,ouo[ gradarane t;[a'o.ou;zau% isk 2010-in am- bo[=azau na.a];®noujiune% :r;- uan t;[a'o.;low Maw;ani an]- nakan \i,atak;li ir;rou faua- qa‘on% antip ;rk;re% incphs na;u fska\ ar.iu me namaka- grouj;an!
Maw;ani \i,atake \au;rvaz- n;lou npatakow 2008 ";trouarin Los Any;lesi Jhqh;an M,akou- ja\in Miouj;an masnayiu[in ko[mh kaxmak;rpou;zau Maw;ani mafouan 25-am;aki a®ijow m;‘aranqi fandisoujiun me% bar]rorak \a\tagirow!
NOR ØR% FING, 2014
>arb;rdi fa\kakan touni me a®=;u
patvoum ;n .®owararn;ri kam wrhv lou‘oum a\n jourq bna- kicn;ri famar% oronz snankazr;l ;n qriston;a\ wa,.a®oun;re&&&!
Saka\n% cna\a‘ fa\ashrn;ri bo[oqn;rin ;u mi qani throujiun- n;ri w;f;rot dimoumn;rin% fa- ka®ak jourqakan ka®awarou- j;an fauastiazoumn;rin% fala- ‘anqn;re^ ;rb;mn .lazoua‘ ou qo[arkoua‘% chin dadaroum! Palatakan \;[a,r=oume anfarki 'o.;z ka\srouj;an [;kawar- n;rin! :ritjourq;re tiranalow i,.anouj;ane% ir;nz davanou- j;amb g;raxanz;zin Aptoul Famitin% kaxmak;rp;low Ata- na\i kotora‘e! Vamanaki en- jazqoum Ar;u;lqi a\d qris- ton;an;ri dvba.toujiunn;re ]an]razrin mardkanz% fa\;re mnoum hin øtar qa[aqakirj :u- ropa\in! Fa\ vo[owrdin m;nq githinq oc a\l k;rp% qan a\n faroua‘n;riz% or fasznoum hin nran! M;nq patk;razoum counhinq oc nra anz;ali% oc nra ogou ;u dauananqi% oc hl nra ba[- ]anqn;ri masin! Anfaskanali hr mnoum% jh incou hin nran koto- roum!
A\dphs hr d;® mi ;rkou tari a®a=! Pa\j;z Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxme! Jourqian nra mh= mtau orphs G;rmania\i kama- katar! :u \ankar‘ Fa\astann ou nra martirosouj;an pat- ya®n;re miangama\n a\l lo\si n;rqo\ \a®n;zin ~ransia\i a®- =;u! M;nq faskazanq% or jourq k;[;qci ;u fa\i t;uakan anfa- uasar pa\qare^ b®nakalouj;an pa\qarn h% barbarosouj;an pa\qare enddhm ardarouj;an ou axatouj;an ogou! :u ;rb m;nq t;sanq Jourqia\i a\d xo- fin^ m;x \a®oua‘ maro[ acq;row% oronz mh= \o\si ,o[ a®ka\‘;z% m;nq w;r=aphs faskazanq% or a\d m;r qo\rn h m;®noum Ar;u;l- qoum ;u m;®noum h f;nz nra fa- mar% or na m;r qo\rn h% ori \an- zanqn a\n h% or na famakoua‘ hr m;r xgazoumn;row% siroum hr a\n% inc m;nq ;nq siroum% mta‘oum hr a\nphs% incphs m;nq ;nq mta- ‘oum% fauatoum hr nran% incin m;nq ;nq fauatoum% ;u m;r nman gnafatoum hr imastoujiune% ar- daroujiune% q;rjoujiune% arou;s- te! Sa hr nra anqau;li \anzan- qe!
na\q% farkauor h% `ransiazin;ri fauaqe pat,aye fatouzi an- foun dvba.touj;an matnoua‘ a\d vo[owrdin! M;nq kataroum ;nq m;r srbaxan partqe% Fa- \astanin matouzoum nran ar- vani m;‘aranqn;r^ oc a\nqan bolorin \a\tni ta®apanqn;ri famar% orqan a\n tokounouj;an famar% orow na dranq tanoum h&&& i dhp% m;x siro[ a\d vo[o- wourdin bna=n=;lou oro,oumn en- dounou;l hr jourqakan ka®awa- rouj;an .orfrdakzoujiunn;- roum! Bolor fa\;re% orqan or ka- \in Samsoniz minc;u Tiarphqir^ ;ritasardn;r% ‘;rounin;r% ka- na\q% ;r;.an;r% nranq bolore xofou;zin% spannou;low Souljani framanow% G;rmania\i \anzak- zouj;amb!
Fa\astane w;r=in ,ncoumn h% ba\z na ke w;ra‘noui!
Ar;an a\n 'oqr qanakoujiu- ne% ore na d;®;us pafpanoum h% jankagin ariun h% oriz f;ro- sakan s;round h ‘nound a®n;lou!
Vo[owourde% ore m;®n;l ci ouxoum% ;rb;*q ci m;®ni&&&o!
1& ’anøjagrouj;an kargow n,;nq% or 1994 jouakani Ma- \isi 25-in :r;uanoum est ar- vanuo\n n,ou;z Anajol ~ransi ‘nnd;an 150-am;a\ \ob;l;a- nakan tar;lize% Fa\astan- ~ransia enk;rouj;an na.a- ];®nouj;amb% Artasafman;an ;rkrn;ri f;t M,akouja\in Kapi Komithi dafliyoum!
2& 2003 j& Fa\astani Fan- rap;touj;an Axga\in Vo[owi warcouj;an m;k;nasouj;amb ;u FF GAA Fa\oz Z;[aspanou- j;an jangaran-institouti gitakan .orfrdi oro,mamb :r;uanoum lo\s t;sau :rouand Gaspar;ani aAnatol ~ranse ;u Fa\ Vo[owourdeo arvhqauor a,.atoujiune!
Baxmajiu a[biurn;ri fiman wra\ ,aradroua‘ a\s arvh- qauor a,.atoujiune kar;uor ;u bowandakaliz t;[;koujiun- n;r h parounakoum Anajol ~ransi 30 tarin;ri enjaz- qoum katara‘ fa\anpast gor‘ounhouj;an masin!
F;t;uabar tikna\q ;u paro-
da'n;kri bar]r tit[osin! Anajol ~ranse s;rt ,'man mh= h ;[;l na;u fa\ akanauor gro[ Ar,ak Copan;ani f;t% øgn;l h nran kaxmak;rp;lou fa\ vo[owrdi patmouj;ane% m,ako\- jin nouiroua‘ fauaqo\jn;r ;u gitavo[own;r! I xour ch% or nra st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;ri xgali mase jargmanou;l ;u fratara- kou;l h fa\;rhn l;xouow! Afa dranziz mi qanise& a:r;q Dar ou Khs |;to\o% a’nnd;an Tøni ~antaxiao% Al;qsandrapol% 1912! aKarmir
uan% 1959 ;u a\l gor‘;r! Anajol ~ranse ;[;l h ta®a-
p;al fa\ vo[owrdi% nra fog;uor ;u niujakan arvhqn;ri annkoun pa,tpane ;u minc;u ir k;anqi w;r=e mnaz;l h% orphs fauata- rim bar;kam ;u o[=oun;l nra w;ra‘nounde! Na ir ambo[= hou- j;amb datapart;l h Aptoul Famit;an b®natirouj;an ,r=a- noum t;[i oun;za‘ fa\;ri fala- ‘anqn;re% incphs na;u \;taga- \oum ;ritjourqakan dafiyn;ri ar;umtafa\ouj;an ispa® bna- =n=;lou z;[aspan qa[aqakanou- jiune!
D;®;us 1894-96 jj& Aptoul Famiti davan na.a];®nou- j;amb kaxmak;rpoua‘ fa\;ri kotora‘n;ri enjazqoum an]amb masnakz;l h nouiratououjiun- n;ri fanganakmane ;u nouirou;l orbaza‘ fa\ ;r;.an;ri sowiz 'rk;lou w;f gor‘in!
FF GAA-i Ar;u;lagitouj;an institouti jourqaght-patma- ban% z;[aspanaght^ Dokt& "ro`& Âoubhn Safak;ane (1929-1998) :r;uanoum 1990 j& fratarakoua‘ aZ;[aspanouj;an Patmoujiu- nizo .oragrow a,.atouj;an mh= (h= 164)% tarb;r ;rkrn;ri a®a=adhm gor‘icn;ri katara‘ fa\anpast gor‘ounhouj;an ma- sin .øs;lis gr;l h f;t;u;ale Anajol ~ransi masin&
aAriunarbou Souljan Aptoul Famiti ;u ;ritjourq;ri ka®a- warman tarin;rin ];®narkoua‘ fa\;ri xangoua‘a\in =ard;rn ou 1915-i afauor Z;[aspanoujiune zasoumnaliz k;rpow datapar- tou;l ;n ~ransia\i arvanauor xauakn;ri ko[miz! M;r vo[owour- de ci karo[ mo®anal% or ‘;rou- naxard Anajol ~ranse gl.auo- roum hr famit;an =ard;ri f;t;uanqow orbaza‘ baxmafa- xar fa\ manoukn;rin øgnoujiun faszn;lou fanganakouj;an gor- ‘eo!
A\nouf;t;u 1900-1914 jj& Ana- jol ~ranse a\l fanra\a\t mar- dashrn;r^ Van Vorhsi ;u ~ran- sis te Prhnsanshi f;t endgrkou;l h "arixoum fratarakouo[ Pro Armenia fandhsi .mbagrakan kaxmi mh= ;u ;®andoun gor‘ounh- oujiun ‘aual;l w;r= talou fa\;ri
fala‘anqn;rin! 1903-1904 jj& masnakz;low aI
pa,tpanoujiun Fa\astani ;u Mak;donia\io komithi :uropa\i tarb;r ;rkrn;roum kaxmak;rpa‘ .orfrdavo[own;rin% ir sour ;u dipouk ;lo\jn;row anarganqi siunin h gam;l fa\ vo[owrdi o.;rim j,namin;rin!
1903 j& Ma\isi 24-in% F®omi aAdzianoo jatroni dafliyoum ar t a s a n a ‘ y a ® o u m A n aj ol ~ranse n,;l h% aSouljan Aptoul Famit ;rkrorde mi frh, h% ore m,taphs do[oum h ir .[youk am;naxørouj;an mh= ;u sarsa- ';low ir isk oyragor‘oujiun- n;riz% ir;n fangstaznoum h nra- now% or nor oyirn;r h gor‘oum! 1894-iz minc;u 1896 j& na ka.;l ou o[=akix;l h 3000 fa\;ri ;u a\d vamanakiz sksa‘ no[kali xgou,auorouj;amb xba[uoum h orbaza‘ vo[owrdi f;t;uo[akan bna=n=mamb&&&o!
Mi \ødoua‘i safmann;roum fnarauor ch manramasn kang a®n;l Anajol ~ransi grakan% fraparaka.øsakan% qa[aqakan gor‘ounhouji;ane% ;u \atkaphs fa\ vo[owrdin nouiroua‘ nra ya®;rin ;u groua‘qn;rin% oronq bauakanin ,at ;n! A\noufan- d;r] oro,aki patk;razoum kax- m;lou famar nra mardasirakan gor‘ounhouj;ane% stor;u b;roum ;nq mi fatoua‘ 1916 j& Aprili 9-in Sorponi Famalsarani m;‘ dafliyoum% Fa\astanin nouiroua‘ ;r;ko\i enjazqoum artasana‘ ya®iz! A\n lo\s h t;s;l aAmities Franco - Etrangereso jiu 4% Ma\is- |ounis% fandhsoum% h= 33% 35! Fatoua‘i fa\;rhn jargmanou- jiune qa[;l ;nq akad;mikos M&G& N;rsis;ani .mbagrouj;amb 1991 j& :r;uanoum fratarakoua‘ aFa\;ri Z;[aspanoujiune Øs- man;an Ka\sroujiunoumo 'asta- j[j;ri ;u niuj;ri vo[owa‘ouiz! T;*s h= 527-529!
a:rb qsan tari a®a= Souljan Aptoul Famiti kaxmak;rpa‘ =ard;re ar;amb f;[;[;zin Fa- \astane% :uropa\oum mia\n mi qani ]a\n% mi qani wrdowoua‘ ]a\n;r bo[oq;zin mi ambo[= vo- [owrdi .;[d;lou dhm! ~ransia- \oum .ist enddimadir kousak- zoujiunn;ri patkano[ ann,an jouow mardik miauorou;zin pa,tpan;lou .oraphs anar- goua‘ mardkouj;an irauounq- n;re! Mnaza‘n;re famr hin!
Ka\azan 4-rd^ w;r=in ,r=ani a®a=in fan- dipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ar- diunqn;row&
Ararato-aBananzo^ 1-2 aGan]asaro-a
Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |&F&P&G&M& 22 126426-1242 22 108429-1738 22 9 85 33-23 35 22 810424-2134 22 76935-2827 22 510727-2425 22 541329-5819 22 441415-3516
m;din! Anou, Grigor;ane (51 qk&) \a[j;z Austra-
lian n;rka\azno[ Traw;rs Ti`aniin! S;r- \ova |akob;ane (91 qk&) partou;l h jourq Moufam;t A\diin% isk ir a®a=in m;namarte \ a [ j a n a k o w a u ar t a ‘ A r s h n P ø [ o s ; a ne partou;l Ispanian n;rka\azno[ Gabrihl Hskobarin! :rkrord m;namart;rn anzkazrin Fra\r
Anou, Grigor;ane \a[j;l h a,.arfi a.o\;anoufi^ cinazi :ouan Cangin ;u dours h ;k;l qa®ord ;xra'akic!
Nar;k Manas;ane (81 qk&) mrzawarn;ri mia]a\n oro,mamb \a[j;z wrazi Âaji Tala,a]hin% isk Vora Famaxar;ane (60 qk&) \ama® ;u anxi=oum pa\qaroum a®au;lou- j;an fasau s;rp ~loran Sabo\i nkatmamb! Partoujiun kr;z Arjour |owfannis;ane (49 qk&)% ow 1/16-rd ;xra'akicoum xi=;z I®lan- dian n;rka\azno[ Br;ndan Irwinin!
Vora Famaxar;ani ;u oux b;k Ikobol=an >ouldarowi m;namartn anzau fauasar pa\- qaroum% mrzawarn;re na.apatououjiune tou;zin >ouldarowin% isk afa 81 qk& qa,a- \in kargoum fandhs ;ko[ Nar;k Manas;ane tøn;z ir ;rkrord \a[janake^ al banazi :ou®g;n Ouldada=i nkatmamb ;u dours ;kau qa®ord ;xra'akic! Aprili 21-in Anou, Gri- gor;ane wstaf \a[janak tøn;z angliazi Qristal B;rq;ri nkatmamb ;u nouay;z ki- sa;xra'akici ou[;gir! Aprili 23-in ;xra- 'akici yanaparfin mrz;lou h {axa.stani n;rka\azouzic Aloua Balkibowa\i f;t!
Nar;k Minas;ann hl g;[;zik oyow a®a- u;louj;an fasau l;f Âa`a\hl Stas;uskou nkatmamb ;u dours ;kau kisa;xra'akic!
Fa\ b®nzqamartikn;r kan na;u a\l ;r- krn;ri fauaqakann;roum! Tigran Gaspar- ;ane (49 qk&) ;u S;rgh\ B;glar;ane (+91 qk&) fandhs ;n galis Ouqrania\i drø,i n;rqo\% Marshl Thrthr;ane (60 qk&) n;rka\aznoum h Danian% Âob;rt >amasan;ane (69 qk&) n;r- ka\aznoum h Poulkarian!
A,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum mrzanaka\in t;[;r graua‘ marxikn;re irauounq ke sta- nan masnakz;lou Nan=inoum ka\analiq pa- tan;kan ølimpiakan .a[;rin!
Axat oyi :uropa\i 2004 j& a.o\;an Mar- tin Phrphr;ane n;r- ka\oums bnakuoum h Gali`ornia\oum ;u x ba[uoum h marxca- kan gor‘ounhouj;amb! Ou[i[ 10 tari a®a= Martine Anqara\oum Aprili 24-in f®ca- kou;z :uropa\i a.o\- ;an% a®a=nouj;an en- jazqoum \a[j;low na;u jourq embi,in!
Martine asoum h& a:rb;q c;m mo®ana\ a\d øre! Marxashrn;re borboqoua‘ hin% saka\n ostikann;re karo[azan fangstazn;l nranzo! A.o\;ani kocoume nouay;louz \;to\ ka\azau parg;uatrman araro[oujiune!
Fnc;z >orfrda\in Fa\astani fimne% saka\n bar]razau Fa\astani ;®ago\ne! Minc;u fimni fnc;le% m;r patouirakouj;an andamn;re møt;z;l hin% zankaz;l hin tra-
madr;l Fa\astani ørfn;rge skaua®akow% saka\n kaxmak;rpicn;rn as;l hin% jh ibr% oun;n Fa\astani ørfn;rge ;u .ndir cka\! |;to\ parxou;z% or >orfrda\in Fa\astani fimn ;n miazr;l!
Ararat Bananz
1915 j& Aprili 24-in Polsi k;nt- ronakan bantiz 200-iz au;li mta- uorakann;ri juoum Anqara\i møtik A \a,i bante tar;l ;n na;u fa\ marxa- kan krjouj;an% a®a=in `ixiqa- kan dastiara- kouj;an ;u marm- namarxouj;ane nouiroua‘ aMarm- namarxo amsagri .mbagir
axga\in fauaqakani marxakan fauaqi anzkazman kapakzouj;amb F~D-n FF bar]- rago\n .mbi .a[azankoum katar;l h 'o'o- .oujiunn;r! Ma\isi 25-in na.at;snoua‘ 27-rd mrza'ouli ;u Ma\isi 31-in na.at;soua‘ 28- rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan famapatas.anabar Aprili 23-in ;u Ap- rili 30-in!
A\spisow FF enjazik a®a=noujiune k*a- uartoui Ma\isi 18-in^ 26-rd mrza'ouli fan- dipoumn;row!
• FF fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxic Wardan Minas;ane ke gl.auori [axa.akan Koustana\i aTobolo jime!
Qris;ane `ixiqakan dastiarakouj;an a®arkan ditark;l h orphs axga\in inq- nayanacman ;u inqnagitakzouj;an fatou xhnq! Fa\ vo[owrdi ta®apanqn;ri patya®- n;riz mhke na famar;l h so\n a®arka\i an- t;soume fa\kakan dprozn;roum! ~ixdas- tiarakouj;an nkatmamb oun;za‘ fa\;azq- n;re s;rtørhn a®ncou;l ;n nra =;rm fa\r;- nasirouj;an ;u a®a=auor ga[a'arn;ri f;t! Nra mta\[azmamb \;taga\oum^ 1918 j& fim- nadrou;z Fa\ Marmnamarxakan Endfanour Mioujiune (FMEM)!
Nra ;[ b øre t[a n A rarate% ow no\ nphs ;[;l h marxakan gor‘ic ;u marxic
FF sporti ;u ;ritasardouj;an farz;rio na.araroujiunoum endoun;loujiun hr kax- mak;rpou;l emb,amarti fauaqakann;ri an- damn;ri ;u nranz marxicn;ri famar! Fan- dipmane n;rka\ hin :uropa\i ;®aki a.o\- ;an Arjour Al;qsan;ane% m;talakirn;r^ Arshn +oul`alak;ane% Grigor Grigor;ane ;u Garik Bars;[;ane% incphs na;u marxicn;r L;uon +oul`alak;ane ;u Frand :noq;ane!
Na.arar :ouri Wardan;ane ,norfauor;z fa\ marxikn;rin^ \a=o[ ;lo\jn;ri ;u nouaya‘ m;taln;ri kapakzouj;amb! T;[i oun;zau parg;uatrman araro[oujiun! ’nnd;an 50-am;aki a®jiu aOskh m;talowo parg;ua- trou;z L;uon +oul`alak;ane! Parg;un;r \an]nou;zin na;u marxicn;r^ Ghorg Al;q- san;anin% Samouhl Ghorg;anin ;u |owsh' |owsh';anin! Mi=axga\in kargi sporti warp;ti kocoumn;r ,norfou;zin embi,n;r^ :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an m;talakirn;r Garik Bars;[;anin ;u Grigor Grigor;anin! |;- taga\oum :ouri Wardan;ane endoun;z ‘an- ramarti :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an masnakiz mi .oumb marxikn;ri ;u marxicn;ri ;u nranz ,norfauor;z a®a=nouj;an \a=o[ fandhs ga- lou kapakzouj;amb ;u noranor \a=o[oujiun- n;r zankazau nranz!
Ka\azan FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an ki- sa;xra'akici patas.an fandipoumn;re! :r;uani a"iunikeo 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z aMi- ka\ino! Kol;ri f;[inakn;r dar]an A[ouan Papik;ann ou Gagik Pø[os;ane!
|i,;zn;nq% or a®a=in fandipoumn no\nphs auartou;l hr a"iunikio \a[janakow^ 1-0 fa- ,ouow! Mius kisa;xra'akicoum :r;uani aBa- nanzeo s;'akan \arki tak endoun;z Kapani aGan]asarino! Fandipoumn auartou;z 1-1 fa,ouow! :u qani% or a®a=in fandipoumn^ Kapanoum auartou;l hr aGan]asario \a[- janakow^ 2-1 fa,ouow% apa aGan]asarno incphs na;u a"iunikeo dours ;kan ;xra'a- kic ;u mim;anz mi=;u ke .a[ark;n FF gauaje!
N,;nq% or a\s .a[oum aGan]asario gl.a- uor marxci partakanoujiune kataroum hr pa,tønakatar Samouhl Ba[dasar;ane% isk gl.auor marxic S;uada Arxouman;ane pa,- tønank h arou;l!
Poulkaria\i ma\raqa[aq So`ia\oum auar- tin h møt;noum b®nzqamarti a,.arfi ;ri- tasardakan a®a=noujiune% orin masnakzoum ;n a,.arfi 105 ;rkrn;ri au;li qan 600 b®nzqamartikn;r% a\d juoum FF-n n;rka- \azno[ 7 marxikn;r ;u mhk g;[;zik s;®i n;rka\azouzic^ Anou, Grigor;ane! A®a=ine ®ing dours ;kau Arjour |owfannis;ane (46 qk&)% ow a®au;louj;an fasau qorhazi Kim Ouonfo\i nkatmamb% isk Arshn Pø[os;ane (52 qk&)^ nig;riazi A\ankol Øk;\=;mii nkatmamb! End oroum m;r ;rkou b®nzqamartikn;rn hl \a[j;zin baza\a\t a®au;louj;amb!
56 qk& qa,a\in Fra\r
Martin Phrphr;an
NOR ØR% FING, 2014